no es file explorer tool bar


Jan 3, 2012
Hello: Somehow I lost the es file explorer tool bar while transferring some pix from my pc to the gtablet. At the moment I have the / view but the tool bar is no where to be found. I am a new user so it's not a pressing item at the moment but I would like to have it back.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for your time. Jim
The Tabs bar is shown/hidden in the menu, and you should be able to expand or collapse the tool bar using an Icon on the right side of the bar that shows the current path.

Sent from a Gibson using Tapatalk - heavy metal edition
The Tabs bar is shown/hidden in the menu, and you should be able to expand or collapse the tool bar using an Icon on the right side of the bar that shows the current path.

Sent from a Gibson using Tapatalk - heavy metal edition

The only option shown on my tab menu bar is to Show/Hide Tabs. No icon anywhere . If i choose to show tabs i get the options local,lan,ftp, and bluetooth.

From my menue bar "settings option" Home Directory gives me a box "/sdcard/" and the keyboard to add to this path. I don't have any idea what that is for. Any further help would be appreciated. Thanks for your time. Jim
Tom T fyi; I found the option for hide/show the es file exploer tool bar in the : menu-settings-layout settings-hide toolbar(uncheck) .This places /sdcard/ at the top of es file explorer. Tap on it and the tool bar shows. Thanks for setting me on the right path. Jim
Glad you got it working, one thing about Android is lack of continuity between apps...the price we pay for having a quickly evolving and more open system I guess.

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