Not enough space to install in Android Market


Senior Member
May 2, 2011
First post here, but been lurking for a while ...
Migrated from G Harmony to Mountain Laurels on my GTablet, did the market fix, relinked all my apps via Titanium backup, but when I access the market, I am unable to install anything because it complains of a lack of space ?
Tablet storage indicates ~14GB of free space
Application storage indicates ~3GB of free space
User content ~11GB of free space
The SD card has ~2.5GB of space

What am I missing ?

Thanks !
Like I indicated, 3Gig of app storage is free ...
The storage numbers come from the storage info panel within settings, I did not look with a file manager.
I used nvflash to flash back stock 3588 and added the enhancement pack for gapps and the market fix. But the issue remains :(
Please help !!!
I can install apps from the sdcard, but nothing from the market.
Here is what the tablet storage menu gives me:
Total tablet storage
Total space: 14.91GB
Available space: 14.60GB

Application storage
Total space: 3.75GB
Available space: 3.45GB

User content storage
Total space: 11.16GB
Available space: 11.16GB

What wrong ? Is there something I can do to get a diagnostic or logs ?
I really, really need some help on this, I don't even mind re-flashing again ...

Many thanks