OTG Connectivity Is Intermittent


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2011
I got a USB endoscope (a video camera) that plugs into the USB port and is classified as an OTG device that you just plug in, but it didn't work, unless I use the OTG adapter. Even then, the connection was wacky; it would disconnect, then reconnect a lot.
I thought that maybe the connection was loose, but it did that on another tablet too. Even on a new Galaxy S2, I had to use the OTG adapter.

So I would like to ask if there's a way to improve the stability f the USB port and OTG function, as I'd like to use the camera more. I eventually plan on getting a digital oscilloscope that connects using the USB, probably with OTG function too.
along this line, OTG, that is, does anyone have the pin assignments for the 22pin OTG connecter. it seems 30 pins is the norm but I would like to make an adaptor 22 pin to 30 pin. Haven't been able to find anything online so far.
I was talking about an Android Tablet. the newer ones are 30 pin but I have an older one which is 22.
You must be referring to the internal connection to something. The only connections to the outside world on an Android tablet are the headphone jack, and the USB port, unless you have a headset jack, which is for a phone.
You must be referring to the internal connection to something. The only connections to the outside world on an Android tablet are the headphone jack, and the USB port, unless you have a headset jack, which is for a phone.
Yes it is internal. the pictures show it well. the newer tablets are maybe 30 pins but the older ones were 22 or 24. I need to find the pin assignments on the internal connector, 22 pins or such. The OTG shown won't fit.
That is not a Nexus 7 2013, which has none of those.You must be referrig to another device.