Overclocking the Vizio


Nov 11, 2011
I wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts on how to overclock the Vtab or if it is even possible. I tried a few apps like antutu and setcpu, but they do not work. I guess we would have to have an overclocking kernal to accomplish this?
The kernel has to support overclocking.

You can use SetCPU to set up profiles that may help conserve battery and to change the governor that is used to determine when the CPU speeds change.
I rooted my Vizio tablet and then installed SetCPU, but have not had any luck with it. I was able to manually set up the CPU frequencies via a text file, but the "scaling" option is not available. I presume it has to do with the kernel support. That's as far as I have been able to get with it.
Well it appears that I am guilty of making an assumption. :eek:

I installed SetCPU and CPU Master and neither one will auto-detect the CPU speeds. I have not tried creating a setcpu.txt file yet to see what does work. My earlier post about being able to set profiles with SetCPU is wrong.

The VTAB is the first Android device that I have seen this behavior on, I am sorry if I mislead anyone.
Has anyone had any more luck with this?

Over clocking would be a nice option but I would happily settle for auto under clocking to conserve battery if it's available. My guess is the same Kernel solution for over clocking is needed for under clocking. (hope I'm wrong)
