Ployer Momo 11 Speed Not Booting

Oh that don't sound good! I was guessing it was a speed as when I plugged it into the computer it recognised it as a speed. So does this mean I have bricked it by putting the seed firmware on it? if not where to go from here?The link is not working either. Thanks

I have exactly the same problem and my screen looks just the same.

I've used the Rockchip Batch Tool to install MOMO11 BIRD 404 07092012.rar , which I now realize may have been the wrong thing to do, but I'm confused.

The tablet looks just like the one posted by keiguwinu and everything points to this being a Momo11 speed running the RK3066. I installed the Rockchip drivers and the device is recognized in the batch tool. But is this really a Momo Bird?

If so can anyone help. I've tried using the Livesuite software just in case but the tablet isn't recognized at all.

Any help of any kind would be greatly appreciated.
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The writing on the rear says it's the Bird...
Can you not get any help/advice/firmware from the seller that you gave your money to?

I wish that I could help you more... but you may have an early release, a clone in a Bird case, or something else completely altogether.

Post back if you get nowhere and I'll rehost the ICS firmware that even worked on non-IPS pre-release tablets
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Ok I asked the guy I got it from and he gave me a slip that came with it,
Other than that he cant help. I appreciate you time spent on this matter.
Hope you get it sorted, I have had some wierd emails from ployer, who dont seem to understand,(perhaps they use google translate) they gave me a link for 'new firmware' but the site is totally in chinese and as my speed is actually working fine I am not going to mess with it,
I bought it as a speed, on the about tablet from settings it says MOMO11Speed, I did have a kind of freeze up the other day,whilst on facebook, all went black, no on or off
did the vol up and power eventually after I had connected the charger it came back to life, I expect sometimes we expect too much from these tablets?
let us all know when you sort it what you did
this illustration is the same as the wrap which came around the box my speed came in, I cant believe that there is so much difference between a speed and a bird though
and would have thought that android would fit in either
Ok I asked the guy I got it from and he gave me a slip that came with it,
Other than that he cant help. I appreciate you time spent on this matter.

Yes, as you can see The Chinese writing symbols on the back of the tablet and the slip are different.
The slip writing says MOMO11 Second Generation (roughly lol) where as we've said before the rear of the tablet says MOMO11 Bird.
When I get chance I'll host the Ice Cream Sandwich firmware (Android 4.0.4) on some webspace. This early firmware worked with all early releases and even the rare non-IPS screened versions that found the way into the wild.

Sorry if you thought I was being a bit sharp on last reply... I'd assumed you bought it from a seller and not just off a mate.

After having a read back from November last year found that the latest firmware that worked on all models is the 20120910 so will rehost that one :)
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No I didn't think you were being short at all, a great help in fact. My understanding of tablets is almost nothing so any help is appreciated, Ok I have downloaded the file, The only problem is I cant get the tablet into the recovery thing, I used to do it by holding the volume up and power button, now the don't happen , It just boots to the white screen with lines on. Any Idea? Thanks
Hi Momo11SpeedUK

I'm currently downloading the the ICS version as we speak. Even if this doesn't work I still wanted to say thank you for the time and effort you've put in. I really do appreciate it.

Unlike the OP I bought two of these from a third party seller in China via Amazon UK. They both have the same details as the one shown above. The first tablet (the one I'm looking at now) didn't work properly right from the start and the second was a gift from my father in law. This by the way has recently stopped working altogether.

Amazon repaid the original cost in full of both units when I reported the first as broken on arrival. I contacted Amazon to return the units but they politely declined and confirmed a full refund was in order. So in effect I got them for free. Furthermore the seller has disappeared, at least from Amazon UK.

I'll report back to let you know what happened

Thanks Again
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Hello again

Great news, I've succeeded in getting the firmware onto the tablet. Unfortunately the original problem remains and the screen is highly unresponsive. I can't help feeling I've got a complete dud.

Keiguwinu - I also had the same problem with the batch tool recognizing the tablet. I tried lots of options but I think this is what worked

1) Press + volume for 10 secs (keep pressing like before)
2) Insert USB then wait a couple of seconds
3) Press power (keep pressed)

The green light stayed on after that and I let go of + vol and power at the same time.

Hope it helps
Hi Momo11SpeedUK

I'm currently downloading the the ICS version as we speak. Even if this doesn't work I still wanted to say thank you for the time and effort you've put in. I really do appreciate it.

No problem at all... in my opinion helping out is what these forums are for.
The only other thing I could possibly do is re-host the 4.0.4 and see if that helps - but it looks like it may not, but if you want to give it a go then just shout.

keiguwinu just keep trying to get it in flash mode (using the methods stated by humanboy if normal vol+ and power for 5 seconds fails)
I am unable to get it back onto flash mode so I think its dead. Thanks for all your time spent helping , I have learned a few things about Android now :)