Power issue with my new vizio tab


Oct 3, 2011
So, I got a new vizio tab, and and it's nice, but I have an issue with sleep mode.
Sometimes when I try to wake it from sleep mode, It won't wake until I mash the power button for a good minute or so, and when I do, it acts like I'm turning it on from a reboot, and not sleep mode. Is this a known issue, or did I get a bad one? Aside from that, it works fine.

Also, how long does the battery last for you guys? Seems to only last about 4 hours for me.


Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Mine sleeps and wakes up properly. You may have a problem. Your run-time isn't right, either. I get 7-9 hours out of mine, depending upon how heavily I use it--even with WiFI and the GPS both on. And that's 7-9 hours until the "20% warning" comes up.
