Resetting Nook Color w/ Honeycomb


Jan 20, 2011
Hello, looking for suggestions on how to reload Honeycomb on my already rooted NC w/ Honeycomb. Just a little background, my Nook is running honeycomb v04. I'm planning on selling my Nook and wanted to do a clean re-install, or at the very least remove my account information. However, the factory reset data doesn't work. Deleting my gmail account doesn't work since apparently applications are dependent on it (can't seem to use another account on Google Talk). So then I tried running clockwork recovery on my micro sd to try and re install honeycomb, but the Nook bypasses the sd card and boots up normally. Not sure what my options are. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The nook is hardwired to always check the sd card first before booting internally, so there must be something wrong with your CWR bootable sd card. That is where I would start.

So you are going to sell your nook with a rough beta release of an iffy OS installed internally?
There are issues with installing HC internally and it is not intened to be run that way. Basically HC v04 is a preview meant to be run from an SD card. I recommend you use CWR to revert back to stock condition. Any basic root wil be dependent upon a gmail account as part of the process.
Thanks, I'll try using another micro sd card. Yeah, I suppose I can try and reload the orginal software. Either way, gotten some emails already from a craigslist ad I posted. I'm guessing some people don't want to mess with the rooting process.
Thanks, I'll try using another micro sd card. Yeah, I suppose I can try and reload the orginal software. Either way, gotten some emails already from a craigslist ad I posted. I'm guessing some people don't want to mess with the rooting process.

Problem with that is when they DO have a problem with that flaky preview Honeycomb, who do you think they will ask for help? :) (It won't be us first, I can just about guarantee that.)
Yes, you should absolutely change your listing to be more accurate. First off just saying
Selling a like new rooted Nook Color running Android 3.0 Honeycomb (running from memory, not sd card).
is not entirely accurate, considering the HC you are running is based off the preview emulator and not the release SDK.
Darmeen, thanks for the suggestion. I suppose you're right and didn't get enough detail. I'm probably better off just restoring it to the factory settings.
sure, restore it to stock, unregistered...and point them in the right direction for rooting it (here of course ;) )

or simply explain what you have installed on it and how it might not be stable and offer to wipe it clean for them. Then they are fully informed and have the option. :)