[ROM] Customized Nookie Froyo 0.6.8 CWR for eMMC Update (4/3/2011)


Jan 1, 2011
First, I would like to thank cicada for the 0.6.8 image, thecubed for sdcard bootable CWR image, shad0wf0x for his stock images, dalingrin for his kernel, and samuelhalff for his help and his CWR image that I customized. This should fit on a 2GB or larger sdcard.

Please donate to the developer. Here is the original thread. [ZIP][DEV][ROM] Nookie Froyo 0.6.8 (02/15) CWM flashable! - xda-developers

This will erase your internal memory!

Flash with CWR


Status Bar and Notification window in black
No-frills CPU Control added
Added the following lines to init.rc

# sd card read speed fix write /sys/block/mmcblk0/bdi/read_ahead_kb 2048
Updated NookColor Utils and rename it Nookie-Froyo Utils
- Forced Status Bar options added
- Change density and added new densities options
- Moved Reboot to about tab
- Added Poweroff to about tab
Updated to dalingrin's 3/31/11
Cleaned up the spacing on the status bar... Icons are not jammed up against the clock
This will not touch the /data partition

This should work on the eMMC version as well. I don't have a CWR package yet. Will make one tomorrow. If you want you can preview it now. You will not have to run softkeys as a service, but set the physical button to be one tap launcher and two taps softkeys for any app that hides the statusbar.

Unzip the attached framework.zip and copy to /system/framework/
This will be difficult for Windows users unless you have adb installed, but I would like some Linux users to test it out. I will try to write a script/app that will unzip and copy directly on the device. If someone else wants to write the script that would be okay too. I am try to avoid making everyone re-image their sdcard just to get the update.

Now to the good stuff, I have everything, messages, buttons and icons on the status bar centered vertically and the drop down notification bar is full screen at 160 LCD density.

Let me know how you like it and how you installed it. We need to come up with a easy install for non-techies that boot to the sdcard.[/COLOR]

Nookie Froyo 0.6.8.custom.3 eMMM
Put on dalingrin's latest kernel. (If you want to overclock it, you must use SetCPU)
Went back to using ClockworkMod Recovery
Changed build.prop back in a hope to improve video
LauncherPRO <----------

Nookie Froyo 0.6.8 eMMM
Change resolution back; I hated it
Applied the last patch I posted
Put on dalingrin's latest kernel
Using ClockworkMod Recovery

Nookie Froyo 0.6.7 eMMC (.2)
Added custom bootanimation.zip designed just for us Chuck6993. Thank you Chuck6993. If you like the bootanimation, please visit his thread and get him some love. [BOOT ANIMATION][CWM Flashable] Nookie Froyo - New Animation added 02/15/2011 - xda-developers
An awsome utility to mount your /media and /sdcard to your pc. Thanks Samhalff. This is still at the beta stage and he would love to here from us for future improvements. Here is his thread. [APP][02/26] Nook Color USB Mass Storage utility - Mount any partition to your PC - xda-developers
I wrote a script that will kill mediaserver. Just type kms as superuser in the terminal. It will automatically respawn, so you might have to do it again a couple of times. If your nook is running slow, it is most likely the mediaserver.

Nookie Froyo 0.6.7 eMMC (.1)
Added a mount command to init.rc for /media
Added an environmental variable for INTERNAL_STORAGE
Zeroed out unused space to make the image smaller
Added some software
DO NOT UNINSTALL THE SOFTWARE INSTALLED BY CICADA (Apparently, removing this software is reason for our market woes.)

Froyo 0.6.6 Custom eMMC (.2)
Replace /etc/vold.fstab with samuelhalff's vold.fstab
Change /mnt/media to /media in /etc/vold.fstab
Added a mount command to init.rc for /media
Added an environmental variable for INTERNAL_STORAGE
Zeroed out unused space to make the image smaller

Recovery Thread

Market Fix that seems to work well by ViralCipher

4/3/11: Nookie-Froyo.0.6.8.custom.5

Reference: [ZIP][DEV][ROM] Nookie Froyo 0.6.8 (02/15) CWM flashable! - xda-developers
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Well, if you make CWM backup on SDcard it should be no problem to restore anytime you want.
Well, if you make CWM backup on SDcard it should be no problem to restore anytime you want.

Well if it messes up CWR, you will be in some trouble and will have to repair your cwm recovery from sd. Although not the worst thing ever, is a pain if that is your last resort and have to do that procedure.
People new to the rooting process i would hold off until there is further development. Has anyone flashed this yet? No google apps yet?

sent from my rooted nook color
Updated to 0.6.7 but can't update title - rico2001 are you out there ? :)
This will irrevocably erase and replace the software on your eMMC! MAKE BACKUPS BEFORE FLASHING, you have been warned.

Hey buddy... this step caught my eye and might answer a different question I was asked today. How do you go about making a backup of your eMMC before playing with something like this? Is it just a NAND backup from CWR?
I believe a nandroid backup will suffice, as is it does on my Droid. I usually wipe my entire Droid before installing a new rom, but I make a nandroid backup first before I wipe. But I am unsure with the Nook and haven't tried this yet. I am not sure if it would remove or screw up recovery on the Nook. So do not quote me on this : )
Well that's what I am looking for really. Before I start playing with more roms and such, I wanted to revert my nook back to factory essentially, and hopefully boot of an SD into CWR, create a backup of MY factory default (already registered and established) Nook internal software.

This would give me the quickest way back to start without having to go through the steps... so if I have issues, instead of clear - reset - etc, I can just bootable CWR - flash original backup.
I am not sure if clockwork will make a backup of stock unrooted. It think it needs superuser to boot into recovery I believe. But again not sure. Xda developers has some stock images that can be burned to sdcard I believe, if something should get messed up you can return to stock with those.
has anyone installed this yet? can u still access the nook library? can i still log into barnes & noble so i can download books from their store?
has anyone installed this yet? can u still access the nook library? can i still log into barnes & noble so i can download books from their store?

Good question. I am certainly weary of trying this release. Has anyone been able to run it without error and everything fully working? I would urge new users not to try froyo just yet

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk