[ROM] Singapore ROM (S7V100R001C61B011) - Newer

Thanks...I was starting to freak out alittle about the issue about the sdcard flashing. Do I need to do something with my cache now?
I know there is a cache. I don't know what it does or what to do with it. Sorry no help there. I posted a how to in the link2sd forum. If you don't mind, check it out and see if I missed anything. Thanks Markus.
I upgraded to this rom and was loving it, but my cell phone died, and I put my sim card on the S7 to use as a spare while waiting for a new one. As soon as I tried to make or receive a call, there was this high interference noise which made it impossible to use it as a phone. Reverted to the stock Best Buy rom, and I can make calls again without problems.

Anyone else had this problem? I would like to go back to this singapore rom, but I like having it working as a phone if need be.
I don't use as a phone normally. But for you I called my mom who is hard of hearing. Normally she has trouble hearing over speaker phones- home handsets or iphone speaker. She heard great using the speaker system of the hs7. No problems at all. She couldn't even tell it was a speaker phone. No static at all. Very clear. And I am on the C62B013( or C62B13)..which is C62B011 when flashed.

Sent from my S7
I don't use as a phone normally. But for you I called my mom who is hard of hearing. Normally she has trouble hearing over speaker phones- home handsets or iphone speaker. She heard great using the speaker system of the hs7. No problems at all. She couldn't even tell it was a speaker phone. No static at all. Very clear. And I am on the C62B013( or C62B13)..which is C62B011 when flashed.

Sent from my S7

Thanks Buzzman. Maybe something went wrong when flashing, or downloading the file. I might try it again later on.
I flashed the singapore rom (S7V100R001C62B011), no real issues, just an annoyance with wifi. Since I don't use my S7 as a phone, I have airplane mode "on", and wifi re-enabled. Before the singapore rom, wifi stayed enabled after rebooting the tablet. With the singapore rom, wifi turns off after reboot and I have to turn it back on. As bussman reported, I have been able to reflash via sdcard after flashing this rom.
I have a S7-104 from BB. I rooted it with z4root and using link2sd, it's working great. I just want to overclock it to 1ghz, my question is What would be the best rom to use? Thanks.
I have a S7-104 from BB. I rooted it with z4root and using link2sd, it's working great. I just want to overclock it to 1ghz, my question is What would be the best rom to use? Thanks.

Singapore ROM !

Madam is better ;P

anyway for your enjoyment "ivyvisors Huawei S7 v0.01"

Based on S7V100R001C62B013 (oops should of used a different build as if you erase "/data" during your install it will start up in chinese. I will fix this.)

There are no real changes as of yet other than it's pre rooted.

I'm just uploading it to my server right now.
