[ROM] [WIP] Honeycomb SDK Port - The Return (Updated v3! 5/6/2011)


Senior Member
Dec 8, 2010
[SIZE=+3]Honeycomb SDK Port - The Return [/SIZE]

1. Introduction
So, for quite some time, we have had the excellent work done by deeper-blue, in porting the preview SDK, which whet our appetites for more Honeycomb to come. But despite Google allowing companies to ship Honeycomb devices, we have not had a source drop. As such, i felt like taking on the challenge of making the full SDK work on the nook; and now, here we are. This is build off the SDK 11 (rather than 10), and should be compatible with all real Honeycomb apps. Lets proceed.

2. Thanks & Credits
Before i go ANY further, i want to say thanks to whose people's work enabled and inspired me.
deeper-blue - It was your original modifications to the preview SDK that allowed me to get a BIG start on converting the full SDK. Honestly, i don't know how you figured out to do most of what you did, but it works!

dc13 - Your Asus Transformer system dump provided all the nice extra apps that are in use on this rom. http://forum.sdx-developers.com/eee-...former-pad-v1/

rookie1 -Your dual boot Honeycomb script provided a great basis for a non dual booting script. [ROM] Flashable eMMC dual boot ROMs (Froyo, Honeycomb, Eclair, CM7) - xda-developers

I admit, i put together what i could with what i could find; if anyone is unhappy with what was used, please let me know and we can rectify the issue.

3. Installation
Not a whole lot to this one. Installation requires at least CWM I am using internal CWM, so I will only certify it with that. I guess some people use CWM SD cards, but i am not sure how well it works with them.

Load the included .zip file on the SD card, and flash.
DO NOT install this without having a good backup of Froyo or CM7.

Install take a few minutes, but once you are up, you will be greeted with the setup screen. Be sure to have a good Wifi around, it makes it easier to set everything up. Also, be sure to give the system a minute or two to settle when it first boots. Once you are all setup, you will be greeted with the full Android experience. Which leads me to my last bit of info.

4. Issues

Not working
- DSP (i think i jumped the gun on this one)
- From tiem to time, the screen may seemingly partially lock up. If this happens, please try to get an ADB logcat and post it here ("adb shell logcat > aFileName.txt"). A reboot will fix this issue.

SU (thank you racks11479)
Audio (thank you deeper-blue)
Market (thank you PatF, et al)
- To kill the flashing red box (thank you mazook98): http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=109
(and more)

5. Community
So, what to do from here? Well, i will keep doing what i can, but i am by no means an expert. I invite anyone and everyone whom could possibly help make this better. If you think you can get Root or Market working - dont even ask; grab the code and mod away. If you have any advice, please share it. Android is so amazing because of the community.. lets keep it that way!

6. Links & Releases

Honeycomb SDK - RC3
RC3 Brings in the Calandar fix (thanks Rockwig), and a new build.prop (thanks xboxexpert), as well as some cleanup.

Honeycomb SDK - RC2 (thanks to declain for creating an updated rollup)
RC2 brings in the fixed SU, Market, and Audio, all in one neat package!

Honeycomb SDK - RC1
www.unvisible.org/files/update-HC-rc1.zip - Thanks luciferii!

Su to push to allow Superuser (thanks for the info racks11479):
[FIX] Superuser for Honeycomb [2011-02-13] - xda-developers
**Note, if pushing to xbin does not work, push the file to bin, and also set the perms there. That got it working for me**

6a: Change Log
RC3 - 5/6/11
- Fixed Calendar
- Updated build.prop
- DPI set to 140
- Installer no longer wipes out data; all future revisions will leave user partitions alone
- Cleaned up some unneeded programs

RC2 - 5/5/11
- Fixed SU
- Fixed Sound
- Fixed Market

RC1 - Release

7. Questions and Answers

With the stock Market still being funky, what options do i have?
The system can still side load apps, so any APKs you can grab can be installed with adb. Additionally, because of this,you can install other 3rd party Markets such as Slide and Amazon, which will let you install more apps.

Can i use the HC overclocked kernel?
At this time no. I have tried using the last released HS OC kernel, and something about it causes the system to hang at the boot animation. I want to look into it further though, and see if i can discover the source of the issue.
As of RC1, the kernel shipping in this package, is the same one that is found in the "HC-v4-emmc-2nd-edition" released for the preview SDK.

What is different about this release, compared to the other SDK port
The previous port was based off of the preview SDK, which Google labeled as SDK 10. The actual release of Honeycomb however, was bumped to SDK 11. This port uses that code, which means that it should be compatible with all the new new Honeycomb apps (Google body, etc). Certain things, like the Gmail for tablets, do work, and show what Honeycomb is all about.

How much more can be done on this release?
From here, the big fixes would be:
- Getting the stock Honeycomb Market to work
- Getting audio working
- Getting newer OC kernels workin
- Smothing out the UI experience as much as possible.

How can i help?
All the source that i had available is in the .zip package. Because there is no freely available source, all the work involves modifying the released binaries and framework .jars. There is additional tweaking that can be done to the ramdisk and kernel. If you feel adventurous, all of these are in the update package, and can be tweaked at your leisure. If you think you have something, don't be shy - zip it up and let us test it!

Su to push to allow Superuser (thanks for the info racks11479):
[FIX] Superuser for Honeycomb [2011-02-13] - xda-developers
**Note, if pushing to xbin does not work, push the file to bin, and also set the perms there. That got it working for me**
Source: [ROM] [WIP] Honeycomb SDK Port - The Return (Updated v2! 5/5) - xda-developers

Many thanks to Divine_Madcat on .xda-developers.com

As always, use at your own risk!!
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Very interesting. I'd like to see this as a bootable SD ROM.
Update to OP:

Honeycomb SDK - RC3
RC3 Brings in the Calandar fix (thanks Rockwig), and a new build.prop (thanks xboxexpert), as well as some cleanup.

Change Log
RC3 - 5/6/11
- Fixed Calendar
- Updated build.prop
- DPI set to 140
- Installer no longer wipes out data; all future revisions will leave user partitions alone
- Cleaned up some unneeded programs
Looks cool. Hopefully there will be some screenshots posted.