Rooted Nook Tablet stuck in Battery Low reboot loop


Apr 13, 2012
Let me forst apologize for not having pertinent and accurate information for the development team; I work on tech hardware and it drives me NUTS to hear stories like mine....

I rooted my NTa few months ago using <somebodys method> involving an SD card and then another app as I recall to prevent BN updates.
Today, I read a few pages, put it to sleep(not off) and I opened it recently and got the BATTERY TOO LOW warning. When I plugged in the power supply, it's stuck in the loop. It attempts to power on every 10 seconds or so and flashes that message.


Any ideas? I tried plugging into laptop, no dice.

Suggestions, root cause or past experience would be appreciated...

Make sure you are using the stock charger and cable and a good wall outlet. The Nook draws more amps than other devices and you want to make sure it is getting full power. Then try holding the power button for about 10 seconds to see if you can get it to turn off. If you can't get it to turn off that is ok, just let it charge overnight and see where it is after that.