Rooting Yarvik tab250 - TCC8900


Jun 13, 2012

I'm very new to android so i bought a low end tablet to fool about with, however i am unable to root the thing. Tried superoneclick and it recognises the tablet as already rooted, i assume this is because of the stock ROM already loaded onto it? Anyway the tablet is definitely not rooted as i can't do anything in terminal emulator.

Can anyone help me getting this tablet rooted, i would also be keen to track down a copy of the stock ROM loaded onto the tab or if someone could help me with details of how to take a copy of the ROM off the tablet?

On another note I did manage to get android market onto the tablet but i noticed many of the apps are not available to download directly from it as they are supposedly not compatible with the device, however if i download these from another site onto my laptop then transfer them over to the tablet i can install them and most work fine. Anyone know why this is, is it as simple as google not allowing the device on the anrdoid market because it does not comply with their requirements? Also find it frustrating that there is no flash player available for the tablet, although i must concede that the video play back on it is far better than it thought it would be on a low end tablet.

Does anyone know of any decent books i could pick up on android?

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.
Tried superoneclick and it recognises the tablet as already rooted, i assume this is because of the stock ROM already loaded onto it? Anyway the tablet is definitely not rooted as i can't do anything in terminal emulator.
On another note I did manage to get android market onto the tablet but i noticed many of the apps are not available to download directly from it as they are supposedly not compatible with the device ...

My tablet indicated it was rooted too, but I continued to root it and it worked. See

Try Android Market v3.3.x, not Google Play v3.5.x ; the former might show more apps.
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Thanks for the reply, the tablets still not rooting or fully rooting that should be. I carry on with the root when it indicates it is rooted but nothing happens apart from giving me access to the SU app, which as the tablets not fully rooted has no list of apps in it for which i can change permissions.

I got a shell into the tablet pulled the build.prop file and made changes to the file then pushed it back on and the changes have clearly taken effect. Would i be able to do this if the device wasn't partly rooted? Making changes to the build.prop has given me access to more games within the android market but most apps are supposedly still 'incompatible with my device' even though i am able to sideload apps onto the tablet and install this way but this is a bit inconvenient.

Anyone got any suggestions?

Like i said before i would like to be able to take a copy of the default ROM on the device as well, so i can fool about more with it safely knowing i have a backup