Screen Oreintation


Dec 2, 2010
Has anybody found a way, either through device settings or a thrid-party app, to force an application to open in portrait or landscape mode?

Some games, like angry birds, are setup to always be in landscape mode and work just fine on the sylvania tab. Other games auto rotate with the screen, like alchemy, it can be in either landscape or portrait as you physically rotate your tablet.

However, games like slice-it and a bunch of others are setup to always be in portrait mode. These do not work right, they come up in landscape mode on the tablet with the top and bottom cut off, since they are supposed to be in portrait. I can't figure out how to tell the tablet to open the app in portait so it displays properly.

Any suggestions?
Well it looks like it's possible but you have to change the app's manifest. This would mean getting into the root of the app and modifying it. Not sure how hard it is but it sounds easily done. Heres a link with some info. Click Here I'm sure hunting around I could find some more but heres a start.
A little more digging and you can change the .apk of the app to .zip and from there unzip and you will see the AndroidManifest.xml I guessing if you edit the file then just change it back to an .apk it should do it. You will probably need to download an .xml editor though. Don't hold me to this but it looks like thats all you need to do.
You will need to first decompile the application, modify it, recompile, and resign it so you can install it.

It is actually made very straightforward with this tool here: Apk Manager 4.9 - Makes Modifying Ur Apk A Breeze (Windows/Linux) - xda-developers

Changing the manifest does not guarantee that it will work right on your device though. You can still try.

For the activity you want to modify, where it says android:screenOrientation, change it from portrait to landscape, or vice versa.
i have cracked my screen on my pendo pad and was just wandering were i can get a replacement or who i can get to fix it cause with the crack in the screen the pad does not work?
wow, thanks fox and xaueious. That actually was pretty simple. I decompiled, edited the manifest, got it put back together and installed in no time.

However, unfortunatley, I think my problem with the SYNET7LP may go deeper, possibly something to do with the android implementation on it. The manifest for the apk I was working with was already set to portrait, which is how it should be, but it incorrectly loads landscape on the tablet. I tried changing android:screenOrientation to landscape, thinking for some reason maybe my tab was just intepreting the command opposite, but no luck. Other apk's that are supposed to be landscape load that way and everything is it can't be this simple. For some reason EVERYTHING loads landscape no matter what the manifest says. Apps that allow the orientation to change as you rotate the screen seems to work fine, but if the app is set to only be one orientation the tablet always runs it landscape.

Perhaps when they release froyo for this tab it will fix it...that's not supposed to be too far away. Any other thoughts on this are welcomed.
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