Sylvania Synet 7LP 7" Android OS 2.1 MID 1GHZ/HDMI Tablet

Where can i find information on how to warranty my sylvania tablet? I bought the 2 yr extended warranty and my screen now has a hair line crack in it.

if you bought the extended warranty then it is through the retailer you purchased the tablet from. or a third party service that they use.
Someone mentioned that this might be doable through a firmware update, but I don't see it on the horizon. I emailed digital gadgets this morning and received the response below. It seems to me like a feature that should be implicit in the Android specification.

QUESTION: I have the SYNET7LP android tablet, but I can't seem to find
the stand-by/sleep button. The battery goes dead after a few hours even
though I have the screen configured to time-out after a couple of
minutes. Can you tell me how to put the tablet into sleep mode?

RESPONSE: The feature in question is not available for this unit. We apologize for
any inconvenience this may cause.
I have the same tablet, its cool, but headphone jack is useless (not functional). Also, nothing on it can scan qr codes, why is this, I'm thinking about upgrading to 2.2 (mine is 2.1) Android OS since it's already out, but I can't because my tablet says it's already up to date. What's up with that, anyway? My SYLVANNIA 7" MINI TABLET is basically a useless, slow trash version of a computer. Can you help me solve these problems? I'm clueless. :confused:
I have the same tablet, its cool, but headphone jack is useless (not functional). Also, nothing on it can scan qr codes, why is this, I'm thinking about upgrading to 2.2 (mine is 2.1) Android OS since it's already out, but I can't because my tablet says it's already up to date. What's up with that, anyway? My SYLVANNIA 7" MINI TABLET is basically a useless, slow trash version of a computer. Can you help me solve these problems? I'm clueless. :confused:

these tablets are not for the feint of heart but with some work and time you can find a method that will get you a nice useable tablet. there is no camera so QR codes are out of the question. you can get the tablet running nice it just requires tweaks. a working market is a great place to start.
... I'm thinking about upgrading to 2.2 (mine is 2.1) Android OS since it's already out, but I can't because my tablet says it's already up to date. What's up with that, anyway?

Unfortunatley Android OS isn't like Windows, so when a new version comes out you can't just upgrade your OS on any system. Each device has the OS built for it specifically, from the hardware components on up. That's why you still see brand new tablets and phones with 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 on them. Digital Gadgets (Sylvania) has said they are working on 2.2 for this tablet and a system update will be available in "January". We haven't seen it yet.
Dear Jeremy

Thank you for contacting Digital Gadgets Technical Support. In your original email you stated that you have concerns regarding OS upgrade availability for your Sylvania 7LP Android tablet. The following is a response to your query.

Presently, we are planning to implement updated functionality based on later builds (such as 2.2) in upcoming software updates, but these will likely not be “pure” builds but rather still “hybrid” builds implementing latter OS build functionality while still utilizing trusted core functionalities from earlier builds. At this time we have no further details regarding this information.

We hope this answer is applicable to your needs.

Thank You

Jamy Sanon

Looks like no Vanilla Froyo for us
Help! I updated the software last nite and now it says my available space is 0.00B ! so as long as I leave it on its fine. But the minute I turn it off and turn it back on all info and setup is lost I have to re calibrate it and redo the wireless settings.! That includes all settings, I have to reset time and date too!
But when I check using a program like "My Pad" it say I have "Total: 511 MB Free: 417MB" Why doesnt the software install know that and report I have 0.00B ??
Help! What do I do?
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I unfortunately do not have access to this; however, DG_2.3 will be released in upcoming months with flash. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help to you.

Bryan Salmeron

Months till we get the next update and Flash
I was instructed by the production department that we aren’t supposed to; however, I am going to bring this issue up and make sure they change this. I am going to be working behind the scenes, doing what I have to do to fix this. I will keep in contact, feel free to contact me if you would like any updates on what’s going on.

Anyone want to lawyer up and demand they give it to us?
My response
Thank you so much. Please remind them that this is not a choice, but a law.
Frequently Asked Questions about the GNU Licenses - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)

Does the GPL require that source code of modified versions be posted to the public? The GPL does not require you to release your modified version, or any part of it. You are free to make modifications and use them privately, without ever releasing them. This applies to organizations (including companies), too; an organization can make a modified version and use it internally without ever releasing it outside the organization.
But if you release the modified version to the public in some way, the GPL requires you to make the modified source code available to the program's users, under the GPL.
Thus, the GPL gives permission to release the modified program in certain ways, and not in other ways; but the decision of whether to release it is up to you.

Do I have “fair use” rights in using the source code of a GPL-covered program?Yes, you do. “Fair use” is use that is allowed without any special permission. Since you don't need the developers' permission for such use, you can do it regardless of what the developers said about it—in the license or elsewhere, whether that license be the GNU GPL or any other free software license.

If you can't get us the source code, could you at least let us know how to access the recovery system, so we can start working on things?
It's kinda like selling us a car that doesn't have access to the gas tank. once it empties we'll sell you a new one.
If the tablet crashes, and it will because you admit it's not finished, why can't we be allowed to recover?
how does this tablet work with a thumb drive..or thumb drive is the sd card? And did I read where you can connect a mouse and keyboard to this tablet.?
how does this tablet work with a thumb drive..or thumb drive is the sd card? And did I read where you can connect a mouse and keyboard to this tablet.?

You can attach a thumb drive to the "host" USB port, then it will show up in whatever file manager program you're using (my pad, oi file manager, root explorer, etc). Look for "udisk".

This is the same port you can try connecting a keyboard/mouse, there has been mixed success, but worth a try if you're interested.

*note - you need to use the included mini USB adapter to connect regular sized USB connectors to ther mini ports on the tablet.
I use the host USB port all the time with my keyboard. Saves a lot of time typing in commands in the terminal window.
Help! I updated the software last nite and now it says my available space is 0.00B ! so as long as I leave it on its fine. But the minute I turn it off and turn it back on all info and setup is lost I have to re calibrate it and redo the wireless settings.! That includes all settings, I have to reset time and date too!
But when I check using a program like "My Pad" it say I have "Total: 511 MB Free: 417MB" Why doesnt the software install know that and report I have 0.00B ??
Help! What do I do?

I still need help! Please someone.
