Tablet battery - complete and sudden drain


Jul 31, 2011
Hello all. I've been the happy owner of a Tab for nearly 2 weeks. That is, until Sunday morning, when I woke up to find IT wouldn't wake up! I had last used it on Sat afternoon and noticed the battery was around 70%, so no worries, right?
Here is another user with a similar issue, and I have replied in that thread:

It worked when I got the charger on it (battery was down to nothing, but had 70% on it about 18 hours before that, and no usage in between) but this is sorta worrisome. As in, should I return it? I cannot exchange it, it's a long story but basically the store I bought it from (Staples, on the recent deal) doesn't have any more in stock. Other Staples I have checked, same story.

I did call Samsung and they said to do a full reset (erase data and apps) but I don't want to do that right now. Anyway, I don't know the value of doing it as it isn't draining the battery now, it is working ok. Alternative was to send it to them and they can check it out for me... again, what are they going to check out if it doesn't exhibit the issue when it is in their hands.

Looking for advice - what would you do in this situation? I only have 2 days to return it, but don't really want to unless there is no other way. I did use Amex to buy it btw, so I do have an additional one year on it. However I would have hoped this sort of machine would last say 3-5 years.

The Tab is less than 2 weeks old and is running 3.1. No other issues noticed.
Ok, frist of all let me tell you that my experience with a factory reset was one of the best I had with any Android phone. If you check of in settings to have your data and setting backup then when you do a factory reset everything is but back the why is was. At lease this was my experience, should be any different with you. All settings all program were re-install. The only thing you will lose is your media files EQ: Movies-Music-Pictures other wise five minutes later I was up and running...The program that made me factory reset was the camera app. it was acting weird....all well now.
Hope this helps you make your decision easier
I have the smaller Galaxy Tablet which worked well for 4 months but then the battery life just dropped over night. I fully charge the tablet after which I only get about 30 minutes browsing time before the low battery warning appears.(even though the battery indicator is showing fully charged). If you have the chance to send it back I would take it. I have lodged my complaint with Samsung but so far their suggestions have not helped.