Trackpad not displaying recent history in terminal emulator


Feb 7, 2011
I'm having trouble with the trackpad not scrolling through the recent commands in terminal emulator very annoying.

So my solution for this is this

Download this bash

In terminal emulator type this to mount the system as read/write
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblk3 /system

Now copy the file that you've downloaded to the /system/bin/ directory
cp /sdcard/download/bash /system/bin/bash

Change permission to that file
chmod 0777 /system/bin/bash (note instead of bash you can replace it with an * if you are lazy)

Press menu on the terminal emulator go to preference and select initial command
And type this
su -c bash

Menu again and reset terminal start terminal emulator again and it should say bash4.1#
You can now using the trackpad history feature and the tab button so you don't have to type everything. There's probably other ways to fix the trackpad history but this is what I preferred as I used to use bash during my study.

If you have problems with busybox basic functions like cp mv etc... just download the busybox app from the market and reinstalling it that way "the easy way" or you can follow a tutorial somewhere in the development section how you can link those commands to busybox so you don't have to type busybox cp etc....
I'm having trouble with the trackpad not scrolling through the recent commands in terminal emulator very annoying.

Useful trick! Which terminal emulator are you using?

I haven't installed one yet, partly because I see something in /system/app/ called "Term" and I figure I ought to be able to run that. I can't find a way to do it, though. Maybe I have to root the device and change the permissions on it. Anybody know?
Useful trick! Which terminal emulator are you using?

I haven't installed one yet, partly because I see something in /system/app/ called "Term" and I figure I ought to be able to run that. I can't find a way to do it, though. Maybe I have to root the device and change the permissions on it. Anybody know?

I'm using the Jack P terminal emulator.
Just root your device with z4root and terminal emulator should automatically install then do the above procedure to get the trackpad recent history and tab function.

Note flashing the OC kernel results in needing a reroot.
Thanks for the tips, I'll have to get around to that one of these days. I actually like the S7 pretty much just the way it is, but I'd like to unload some of the bloatware to help with battery usage.
Well this is for those that likes or need to use terminal alot where commands are entered incorrectly and they press enter and when you scroll up it just gives you the ^A etc... characters instead of of previous commands and instead of typing I.e /sdcard you would type /sdc<press tab> and /sdcard automatically entered without typing the whole file or folder name.