Vizio Tablet Root?


Aug 6, 2011
I have been searching for hours now and have not been able to find anything about the vizio tablet. I see that it was rooted before it was launched, but gingerbreak doesn't work now, so please if anyone knows how to root this HELP!
I've ordered my Vizio tablet & 32gb microSD for delivery tomorrow...

I'll be keeping track of any rooting info, hacks, custom IR codes, etc. I find at my site:
Flight Instrument Systems

Please e-mail me if you come up with anything... I have a catch-all e-mail box
I also tried GingerBreak last night and it didn't take.
At least sideloading .APK's works fine on this tablet...

I loaded mVideoPlayer and 1080p videos (h.264 MP4s) play great!
The entire display also mirrors to your TV (with sound and no lag) when you connect a HDMI cable.
The only problem I've had is that I can't find a .MKV player that is hardware-accelerated like mVideoPlayer.
There has got to be a way to root this vizio tablet, o know for sure that the bootloader is not locked down, just got to find a way to root it and get devs to make custom roms and kernels, my wife work for vizio in the tablet department and she knows for a fact that the bootloader is not locked down, this tablet has so much potential to be greater, it is nice the way it is but it could be better

Sent from my Droid using Android Tablet Forum

Have one of these tablets myself, and can't find a way to root it. Tried Gingerbreak, but that gets stuck on Step #6.....
Good Morning All,

I am new here, with very little experience to do with Tablets.

I am looking at purchasing a Vizio Tablet within the next couple of weeks, on my next trip to the U.S. since the Vizio is not available in Canada yet.

First question to those who have the Tablet already :
Do you feel that the Vizio TAb is a good machine to buy, giving what you know of the machine now, would you have elected to buy a different model ?

Second question :
I hear the term ROOTING, what exactly is rooting ?

Last question :
Anyone try the Home Automation aspect of the IR Blaster. with an X-10 device?

Thanks for your input.

Still no root access available for the VTAB1008. What the heck. Such a great tablet but needs root access. Any word on this yet.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
$VTAB.gif Oh. What. Fun.
So the new update (that really isn't) removes rooting, and as a result I can no longer tether to my phone via ad-hoc.

Anyone seen a new method to root yet?
Nope, will not work. That was a Gingerbread exploit, and the reason that HC 3.2.1 took so long to come out on the VTAB was that Vizio dug deep to find all the holes that we could push through too root and closed them.
It's been a while, is there any word on rooting the Vtab1008 and enabling ad-hoc tethering?
It's killing me not to beable to get mobile with this thing!!!

Also, any word on an Ice Cream Sandwich update?
