Welcome to the Sony Tablet S Forum - Covering the new Sony Tablet S


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009
Just wanted to create a thread to kick off the new section here for the Sony Tablet S. These things have already been reviewed by a number of sources and hopefully we will be seeing them hit consumers' hands very soon.
Well I just got mine and I love it! In fact I am using it to post this reply! Can't wait to see what people find out that this is capable of. I am sure I havent cracked the surface yet.
Welcome to the forum Murdock and congratulations on the new tablet.
I just picked up the Sony tablet as well. So far so good. I do have a question thought, can I stream from the tablet to the PS3 using DLNA? Another question is that the videos that I have, cannot be played for some reason. Is there a codec pack that I need to download?
Just picked up my tablet s yesterday and im loving it so far the browsing experience is fast, good job sony
Hey, everybody. I'm new to this site. I just got the Tablet S yesterday. First time tablet owner, long time Droid user. A few notes about the tablet S:
-I upgraded to thumb keyboard and I'm loving it way more than Sony's
-I contacted Sony support and found out that Sony game content will be available at "some point in the future". I thought this was unclear considering this is supposed to be a "PS" certified device.


Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
You guys have any idea when videos unlimited will be available and if this is where we will be able to purchase playstation games. Thanks

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
Hello all. I am thinking about an Android tablet and I am certainly impressed with Sony's S. I want to be able to use my tablet for presentations. Since the S does not have an HDMI port, anyone knows if it is possible to use it with a VGA projector?Thanks.
I hope AVI file support will be added soon. I have tons of AVI movies that I cant watch.

The Mobo Player will play most AVI movies. Or, you could convert them on a PC into MP4 using one of the free video converters on the net.
@ adubrovs

You should be able to stream videos from Sony Table to PS3 with DNLA, I've done it from Smartphone (Droid X) to PS3 using DNLA.
What you can't do is use the Remote control app to control the PS3 since, I believe, the PS3 does not use IR.
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Just wanted to create a thread to kick off the new section here for the Sony Tablet S. These things have already been reviewed by a number of sources and hopefully we will be seeing them hit consumers' hands very soon.

Hey Admin why are Sony Tablets under "Other minor Android Tablet Brands"
@ adubrovs

You should be able to stream videos from Sony Table to PS3 with DNLA, I've done it from Smartphone (Droid X) to PS3 using DNLA.
What you can't do is use the Remote control app to control the PS3 since, I believe, the PS3 does not use IR.

That's what I thought too, but for some reason it doesn't identy PS3 as a DLNA "throw" device. I've seen other posts from people having the same issue.

I can see the tablet as a media server on the PS3 (using a 3rd party app). But I can't get it to use the DLNA "throw" function.
unfortunately there is no video output available for the tablet s. the reason for this design is because sony doesnt want the tablet to be used to show copyrighted movies on larger displays. anything that you have on your tablet will have to go through the tablets dlna server.