CyanogenMod9-Based Music App Officially Released; Coming to Android Market Soon


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

A cool new music app has been released by, Andrew Neal, that is designed specifically for Ice Cream Sandwich or phones running CyanogenMod 9. It will actually be merged into one of the newest CM9 version shortly. Luckily, for those few that have ICS on their phones, you will be able to get it before that. The app has some pretty cool features and is really focused on customization. Here's a quick rundown of just a few of the nifty reasons it stands out:
  • Custom themes (and even the default theme looks more impressive than the stock Android music app)
  • Gesture/motion controls
  • Custom notifications
  • Custom lockscreens
  • More widgets
It should be coming to CM9 builds and the Market in the coming weeks. You can find out more at the SeeingPixels source link below.

Source: AndroidPolice and SeeingPixels