Day 5 of 5 Days of Christmas (the last day)

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Thank You for the giveaway. It's things like this that really bring out the holiday spirit.
I'm really glad to be here! The future of mobile computing looks bright thanks in large part to Google and Android OS. It will be alot of fun to watch the evolution of devices and the way they are leveraged by programmers using the open source platform.
what we are seeing here is the future. i used a slide rule in college. it was mandatory. but that was yesterday. today, the slide rule has gone the way of the dinosaur. fact is, my teen-aged niece and nephew have never even used a ruler as a straight edge. if they can't do it on the computer, they can't do it all. of course i realize it's all part of the evolution of this newfangled technocolor world of ours, but there are there those moments where i'm convinced i've traveled through a portal and am now living in a parallel universe -- one i was not bred for.

case in point: i'm at a going away party for my friend's son. he's entering college -- going to be a computer related engineer. i'm talking slide rules, the mode of MY day, with his father when i get a tap on the shoulder. i turn around and the kid looks me in the face and sez "wow, rich! i didn't know you played an instrument. what kind of band were you in?"

i told him i was a soloist and played solely for myself. mostly dulcet tones, too. **sheesh** thank goodness his father, who i went to school with, kept a straight face.

happy holidays for ALL!
I'd be extrememly appreciative to and if I were to win this tablet. Seeing as thought the wife has a bun in the oven our funds are limited so sitting in the hospital waiting for the birth to happen would be much more enjoyable and memorable with this tablet.
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