Hello from an Island Man


Dec 8, 2011
Wuhuu, i am here ;-)

I bought myself an Android Tablet a few weeks ago (Asus TF101) and i am very happy with it, i love android ;-)

I am Software Developer living at the Canary Islands (born in austria) and right after the first uses of my Android Tab i wanted to code some Games on it, i've also uploaded a small demo of my first game "Tablet Tower Defense" - i will introduce it later on :)

Normally I am coding Software and Games for various platforms and this was my first attempt to do something on android so i am not really sure if I do everything right in the first place.

Also, english is not my native language so dont blame me if I spell something really wrong ;-)

Have a nice day!

Peter (call me reiti - it's short-term of my full name which is unspeakable in mostly every non-german language)


Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here! Jealous of you in the Canarys, one of the places on my "places to see before I die list"Congratulations on your tablet too, I also have the TF101, love it!Cheers,Peter (my name also)


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2011
Hi reiti,

Welcome to the board! It's great you decided to join us! I bet it's great on the Island! I am in Sunny Florida USA and can't imagine life anywhere else. It's not an Island but it's as close as I am going to get to one. ;)


Dec 8, 2011
Hi Guys

The Canaries are the only place in europe where summer lasts forever .. "we" have no choice to live elsewhere in reasons of climate - and yes i like it here, mainly because there is no winter .. never colder then 19° C (at night in winter) .. maybe a bit stormy sometimes but who cares :-D

Personally, i have to visit the States sooner or later .. i never was there .. but surely i want :)


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2011
We just got down to upper 30's F, last night here in my part of FL but it's been colder then that here before. I will say that I have never seen real snow before. But I kind alike our mild winters. No white Christmas's here, but definitely need sweaters and jackets. I bet not having a winter is nice though too. When you're ready you should come to the States, its quite an experience to be here so I hear from my good friends who've lived outside the states and come to vacation here. :D


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hello reiti, congratulations on your new TF101 and welcome to Android Tablets. Glad to have you as a member of the forum.