No Hacking Allowed?

If they are selling them below cost then they want people to buy books and such. Not just install CM7 and never buy a thing through them.
There is also the fact that so many people bought the Nook, then flashed it without really knowing or understanding what the implications and consequences were, and then went back to B&N for device support.
It would seem smarter from a business standpoint to tolerate the hacking culture. No-one would have known what the NC was were it not for it's explosion in the "geek" community. Because the geek community was, for all intents, right people will again turn to geeks for recommendations and will look for the enthusiasum that the NC engendered. A tepid welcome will mean death, aka the HP tablet, to any device attempting to ride the NC's wave.

Sent from my NookColor CM7.1
Obviosuly just speculation at this piont. I think MISRy has it right. Not to mention that B&N would be rather fool hardy to think they can take on Amazon head to head with only their resources. Throwing Google support into the mix by way of pure Android software and the Android Market levels the palyaing field tremendously for B&N.

It would be very foolish for them to think that physical presence for support of the device is a key factor for winning users. The first premise of this concept is that the device is either too difficult to use or to fragile and would require frequent and easy access to locations to fix the issues/device. Not the kind of device you want to be selling if your iCompetitors are selling one that just works. These are tablets, not computers, you shouldn't have to go into someplace for support.

I failed to see how Hulu Plus and Netflix would have an issue with users acessing their content. It isn't like having the device gets you free movies. You still have to have an account that you pay for and if they get more users paying for accounts because users can now watch content on tablets, how are they going to have issues with that?
No-one would have known what the NC was were it not for it's explosion in the "geek" community.

This is absolutely true. In my case I saw an oppurtunilty with a rooted NC that was $150 less than the next crappy 7" tablet. I bought one and have rooted or installed CM7 on eight others. That is nine sales just from one geek (me) that B&N would not have otherwise received. And my wife is the only one of the nine that even has a B&N account.
This is absolutely true. In my case I saw an oppurtunilty with a rooted NC that was $150 less than the next crappy 7" tablet. I bought one and have rooted or installed CM7 on eight others. That is nine sales just from one geek (me) that B&N would not have otherwise received. And my wife is the only one of the nine that even has a B&N account.

Yep, pretty much the same story here and I have heard it repeated by others here on the forum. First hand posts about their word of mouth leading to multiple sales to friends family and in idon'tknow's case just about anybody she meets and shows off her nook to ;)
Did any of you guys ever check the forum on B&N site? From day one after the Nook color came out, so many were complaining about the lack of support on the forum, in the stores and on the phone. That's why probably B&N are giving in store support from now on. Didn't they say: - you asked,we listened-? And I'm m sure they have been listening and following the progress of their nook color because they have so much at stake. Of course they know by now that they owe the success of the nook color to the developers who thought us all how to make our nook better! Do they want to stop the hacking? Of course not....the prove is that they gave the microphone to the new nook because they have been listening, they know a lot of people wants to use Skype on their tablet. Besides, who said that the "hackers " don't buy B&N stuff. We get books, apps, and subscribe to their magazines ( yes they need to improve their nook app though) .

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
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Yup, JP and I go there every Friday to "buy" a book from them. We've become "regular" customers lately.:cool:
Spiders notoriously spend their money only on their web but I heard other members saying they buy books, not only on Friday .I personally always remember about the Fri special on Sunday, so if I like the book, I end paying for it.
Yup, JP and I go there every Friday to "buy" a book from them. We've become "regular" customers lately.:cool:

Technically they do thank me for my "purchases" just as Amazon provides a receipt for my app of the day ;)