Please help first time tablet owner.


Jun 9, 2012
I have an IMIO Allwinner A10 model M727C. 7 inch. I just got it and it is fine except for the following: I connect to my wi fi network and it shows excellent connection strength, says I'm connected, yet I cannot get anything from the internet, i.e. webpages, app store, etc. Anyone that could shed some light on this problem I would greatly appreciate. Thanks for all help in advance.
Welcome to the forum

This is not an uncommon problem, but may have several possible solutions. The first thing to try would be restarting your router. Then restart your tablet and try again. Also you can, after doing the above, try a long tap on the connection and tell it to forget it then try connecting again.

Some of the reasons for this may be that your router is not acting as a DHCP server, meaning it isn't issuing the information to your tablet that would let it connect to the Internet. (connecting to the router is the easy part). If those suggestions don't work you might want to double check the security and other settings in your router. And if you hit a dead end we can try some other options.
Ok thanks, I'll give all those a try. I noticed that when I clicked on the tab for the store in the ereader that came with it (Alkido?) that books with prices I tried the browser and app store again thinking it was a range problem...but no joy. Thanks and I'll try your solutions and be back to let you know either way. Much appreciated.
Well I tried the restart and it didn't work. Any help on how to make my router send the right information or w/e you were saying? And not that I'm new cough:lie:cough, but could you talk to me like I'm four when you explain it please? I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.
What you;re asking would/could be tough for a 40 year old too. ;)

Do you know how to obtain your network IP information on your PC, using ipconfig /all ?

If you do, write that information down. IP number, subnet, gateway and DNS numbers. On your tablet if you long press the connection you should have a manual settings option, (possibly also and advanced section. If your IP address on your computer is, as an example only, You would want to pick a number much higher than that for the IP on your tablet, say The remainder of the information would be the same as what you saw in your PC.

It would be great if you could find another connection like a public hotspot to make certain your WiFi is working correctly.
I would try with another connection, just to make sure everything is fine with your tablet.If you have the chance, go and try one of those free Wifi connections,like Starbucks or Barnes & Nobles or whatever your town/city offers. Be patient also,not too many members are around the forum to help over the week end! :)
Oops....leeshor bit me!
Samsung Galaxy Note
I have a lot of patience when I'm asking for someone else to help me. After all, they are spending the most valuable currency helping me that they can never get back: time.

I just appreciate having somewhere to come and learn a relatively new for of computers for me. That being said, I live in a town of population 600, lol. There is no local hotspot but I will try to go to the nearest town with one tommorow and check it out. I hope it's ok if I have to keep this thread going for a bit. Hopefully I'll find the solution tonite or someone will point me to it. I'm certainly in the right, friendly place it seems. I'll keep at it and get back to ya'll when I know more.

Oh and btw lees...I'm 44 so I hear you.
What you;re asking would/could be tough for a 40 year old too. ;)

Do you know how to obtain your network IP information on your PC, using ipconfig /all ?

If you do, write that information down. IP number, subnet, gateway and DNS numbers. On your tablet if you long press the connection you should have a manual settings option, (possibly also and advanced section. If your IP address on your computer is, as an example only, You would want to pick a number much higher than that for the IP on your tablet, say The remainder of the information would be the same as what you saw in your PC.

It would be great if you could find another connection like a public hotspot to make certain your WiFi is working correctly.

Ok so are you saying that I can CHOOSE my ip on my tablet? The last numbers I mean? The last numbers go from .1 to .3 respectively. 1 is my router i.e. default gateway, 2 is my home computer, and 3 is what my tablet reads as or rather the last number being .3

So I should try changing that last number and just put in the rest of the info from the ipconfig from my computer?
Yes, the last number needs to be high enough to not conflict with anything else. I would make it 5 to be on the safe side.

Nobody is closing this thread so post away.
I tried this. When I connected to the router, instead of using the ip that i put under advanced controls, like you suggested, the router seems to assign the tablet an ip because it did not use the one I created even though I checked Use Static Ip under advanced. Did I just attempt to change the web ip and not the local ip? Also under advanced it wanted to know DNS 1 and DNS 2 but it wasn't listed when I ran ipconfig.

Thanks for ya'lls help and sorry if I'm being a pain, heh.