Pleased to Have Found This Forum


Dec 9, 2013
Hello everyone,

I have used a Galaxy S2 mobile since it was released and am still using it even though I am well overdue for an upgrade. I didn't wish to choose another when there is nothing wrong with this handset and I still love it.

Have always preferred Samsung products so when my other half offered to buy me a tablet for Christmas I had no doubt that I would chose a Samsung. So, I now own the Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014 edition) WIFI version, 16GB. I had my heart set on the 32GB version but as I am in UK no one seems to know when (and IF) the 32GB one will put in an appearance so have had to ask for the only size available :(. Sadly I have agreed not to open the box until Christmas day so am trying to be patient and spending my time picking up any tips from this board.

As a completely new tablet user I guess I will need a lot of help, so see you all soon.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hello DestinyAngel, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new tablet. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. To get started, I'd suggest you click this link to the Android Tablet Q&A section. Read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android. Then, head down to the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition/ forum and start learning more about your own particular tablet. Read through the threads already posted there pertaining to things you're interested in knowing more about. Enjoy the forum and your new tablet!