A week has come and gone...


Jul 16, 2011
And I am pleased to say that I:

Have not torn it apart to see how it is built (as I usually do!),
Have not polluted the firmware to the point where it wont run,
Have not bricked it attempting to install 'new' stuff on it.

(Begin rant)
I guess that is something of a pet peeve of mine. Im aware that most of these 'nonstandard' devices have rather old versions on them... even back to 2.1...
Those of us new to the Android system (I still include myself here!) who go blindly looking for the 'lastest & greatest' sofware deserve what we get... pads that are most useful as TV trays. :rolleyes:

This is my FIRST device with ICS on it... and I have a couple that (did or do) have 2.33 originally installed. While I hope that it will help me update the older (capable) devices I have NO INTENTION of trying to get THIS one (TINY) into JellyBean... I dont need it, and currently dont even WANT it. (I only like the black ones anyway. :p )

OK... Im done. :D
( /rant)

So far the only TRUE flaw Ive found is still the issue of Pacific DST not getting set... Instead of running DATE/TIME manually, I have it set to AUTO and MOUNTAIN time... which gives me the correct time.

Interestingly enough, the weather widget also shows the time it was updated... as un-adjusted PST! :eek:
Minor detail, but...

Recently Ive been getting those 'server error - RETRY' errors on Market... Wondering if it has something to do with being here at work... or perhaps the time discrepancy?
Just cleared data on framework and market... again. Will see if things straighten out.

** It may be possible that I did not properly set it back up after the 'full restore'... silly me!
*** Yep... seems to be happy again now! :p

While I like the fancy 'moves' it has... Im thinking of limiting the fancy transitions it does... I wouldnt necessarily call it slow... but I KNOW it would be a bit quicker if it didnt do 'all of that'.

So... after a full week, I think I can claim to be quite content with TINY... the smallest of my ever-increasing family of Android tablets/pads...
I just hope they dont start BREEDING!!! :eek:
And I am pleased to say that I:

Recently Ive been getting those 'server error - RETRY' errors on Market... Wondering if it has something to do with being here at work... or perhaps the time discrepancy?
Just cleared data on framework and market... again. Will see if things straighten out.

** It may be possible that I did not properly set it back up after the 'full restore'... silly me!
*** Yep... seems to be happy again now! :p

While I like the fancy 'moves' it has... Im thinking of limiting the fancy transitions it does... I wouldnt necessarily call it slow... but I KNOW it would be a bit quicker if it didnt do 'all of that'.

So... after a full week, I think I can claim to be quite content with TINY... the smallest of my ever-increasing family of Android tablets/pads...
I just hope they dont start BREEDING!!! :eek:

The Market issues are not yours alone, having first encountered this I thought my tablet, then the wife's tablet received the same error, so I went to my android phone and low and behold the same error. Funny thing is that it also happened on all devices when trying to access Facebook. I could however surf other web sites on the internet on both tablets as well as my Android phone. Needless to say I even tried to logon to Google play on my desktop and had the same problems a few times last week. My unscientific conclusion would be that it was a Google Play issue and not the tablet as I had difficulty on all devices. If it was an internet issue I believe that I would not have been able to get to access other web sites during this time.

Glad your still liking your tablet, same here, using it everyday....

Interesting! A Googlish-ue! :p
I dont have a smartphone (android or othewise) so I cant account for that... but I suspect correctness on your part.

Have developed a 'temporary delay' on the rooting front but will be returning to it soon.