Acer Officially Blocking Updates for Iconia Tablet A1-810


Junior Member
Jul 8, 2014
Acer is officially blocking updates all of it's users for the Iconia Tablet A1-810
IT is blocked up to Jelly Bean 4.2.2. it will never receive any updates unless you root your unit.

I recently posted this on Acer Forum Community of Users for the Iconica A1-810 from Acer...

They totally erased parts of my message concerning the truth about the update on this unit

please read it...

«After Talking to Acer then Google Android's team...that shoot me right back at Acer...Saying it is to them to make all updates available ...for now they are locked by Acer team.
Even thought they want you to believe that they have not finished testing KitKat with Iconia A1-810...
They are lying...because...not only they are not doing any test...they just stopped supporting this device and locked it to Jelly Bean 4.2.2.
They will not confirm you this over the phone or on Chat .
But clearly Acer will not update this tablet like the advertisement said when we all purchased the unit.

Nothing in the hardware would prevent the unit to get KitKat...and even the new L upcoming...(asides from certains feature that won't work because of it's hardware limitations)

So...Acer is fooling us... +

Be aware that the Heartbleed fault issue for security is not protected from when on Jelly Bean 4.2.2.
Google advises all to update to the latest KitKat 4.4.3 to get protection from the Heartbleed.

So I've decided enough is enough...

I made this Facebook page to collect data info on the Iconia A1-810 users database. To inform them of this.
And perhaps gather enought attention and fallowers to sign a petition against this practice by Acer Team.

If I get enough of petitionners I'll will fileup a lawsuit against Acer with all your supported signatures.

The battle Starts here my friend and if you know any Iconia A1-810 users pass the word please

«The goal of this page...

Is to expose and gather all users of the Acer Iconia A1-810 will never get the promised updates for their Android OS.

It will be stuck with the present 4.2.2. Jelly Bean.
Not only they have no intention of updating it...
But they already support other newer models like the A1-830 that is updatable to KitKat.

So...if you want to be part of a potentiel Lawsuit against Acer this is the place to reports yourselves.

As soon as I get a desired amount of users that supports this idea of a lawsuit. I will bring the case in court with your signatures.

And hopefully if we win we all get compensations and the future updates to Google's Android OS.

Thanx a bunch»

And then visit this Fb page to gather your info...and signatures so I can fufill a legitimate lawsuit agains them for usurpation and false claim.

Because when we purchased this was said it you be updatable garanteed.
Their advertisement specifically promised an upgrade to KitKat, or is it more likely their marketing materials state the OS is upgradeable? It's a significant difference. Were you promised an upgrade and didn't get it? Did the device ever recieve an OS upgrade, which is likely?

Android 4.1.1 is susceptible to the heartbleed bug, not the version you stated. You might want to get your facts straight before slinging accusations. As I see it, your claims regarding what Acer is or isn't doing are based on emotion rather than fact. They're inflammatory, and I can see why Acer edited your post. They could have chosen to sue you for making libelous claims, so consider yourself lucky.

Your lawsuit isn't going anywhere, as it's based on emotion, not fact. Good luck with it.
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I guess that it's time to switch to Nexus. Or, maybe Samsung!?
I guess any tablet is upgradeable, That doesn't mean the manufacture is going to release an upgrade to the latest OS, It simply means the tablet is upgradeable, nothing more. Depending how old your tablet is you may be able to return it, Your post almost implies one can upgrade by rooting, if so case closed root and upgrade. Acer isn't going to release an update just because the device is upgradeable, my A2109 is upgradeable also, yet Lenovo doesn't release updates for it.

IF I want to upgrade or use another OS, I am on my own to do so, as it appears you are as well.
I totally agree with the poster. Manufacturers should clearly state on their packaging and in all marketing materials that they do not guarantee an OS upgrade for the model being sold.
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I just got notified today that my KK upgrade was available. Trying to decide if I want to get it now or wait till Enton figures out how to Root it.
I just got notified today that my KK upgrade was available. Trying to decide if I want to get it now or wait till Enton figures out how to Root it.
I think root method id same as dell, which by the way I havent got around to rooting my dell yet.
Anyway on xda find thread for rooting dell tablet, this tablet is also listed in rooting instrutions.
I received the KitKat upgrade for my 810 yesterday, 29 July, 2014. A friend has not received his, though. Is there a way he can force his to update?
I received the KitKat upgrade for my 810 yesterday, 29 July, 2014. A friend has not received his, though. Is there a way he can force his to update?
Probably not. They usually stagger the updates so their servers don't get overloaded.
Probably not. They usually stagger the updates so their servers don't get overloaded.
It's good to know that he should get it eventually. We were afraid he had turned something off that might stop his tablet from getting the update.

Sometimes "rooting" the tablet will interfere with updates, but otherwise he should get it. It depends on the manufacturer. Some stagger by location others by serial number, date of manufacture, registration etc.
Sometimes "rooting" the tablet will interfere with updates, but otherwise he should get it. It depends on the manufacturer. Some stagger by location others by serial number, date of manufacture, registration etc.
He hasn't rooted it and lives in the same area as I do and using same ISP. So they are probably staggering the update by the latter things you mentioned. Thanks for the info.
Since doing the update my tablet is soooo slow, freezes a lot and the keypad locks up making nothing respond, I have to lock and unlock the screen a few times til it resets, anyone else having issues or know what's wrong?? :(