Archos 7 250gb home tablet - format problem & market problem


Mar 15, 2011
Alright - 2 part question...

I tried installing the android market apk gApps4Archos2.apk
It installed fine. Rebooted. It went into perpetual reboot mode. Did recovery mode bootup, and formatted it on accident instead of repairing it.

So If I install the firmware provided by archose for the 7 home tablet, that will fix that problem right? Because right now it will only boot to recovery mode and not really do anything past that. Not sure how to install it... So any recpommendations there are welcomed.

Next question....

Any other android market apk I can install that will work? I tried another one but it wouldnt install correctly.. forget which one it was at the moment as I tried it from my work PC and I am at home now.

Thanks for the help. I am not a complete tech moron but am at a loss right now :D
I am also running into this "issue":
USB Connection: Press OK to Disconnect

if i try to run format/repair/etc...
I can copy a file during that period before I disconnect... but am not finding any way to run the file I copied (if I even copied the correct file - firmware_archos5-7.aos from Archos website)
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First off as Far as I know Archos never created an Archos 7-250 for Android. They did release a NON-Android A7/250. This uses their proprietary OS. The only Archos 250 which runs Android is an Archos 70/250 in either Gen 8 or Gen 9 (G9) The A7-250 which is NON-Android is Gen 6.
This may be the crux of your problem.
Does the unit say 7 or 7o on the front and back labels. Prior to your effort, did it boot with just the Archos logo or with the Android and Archos logo. That truly identifies it.
It boots with "Archos Entertainment your way".... then goes to recovery screen.. I can't remember before if it had android logo... But the box definitely says android on it..
Archos 7o internet tablet
OK, Just want to be sure, you said Archos 7 and there are three different flavors of Archos 7 and the only version which had 250 Gb drive is a NON-Android version. You have what is called a Gen8 70 or 7o. The way to fix this is go to the Archos 70 download link for Firmware not the Archos 5/7.
Follow the instructions listed here on the Archos web site.
Instructions: ARCHOS