Can you help me fix this? Need how to root it again for dummies!


Jun 11, 2011
So, I rooted my nook color but didn't turn off updates (don't know how). It's all messed up (as far as the root) and I haven't had time to mess with it. It's currently running software version 1.4.3. I got how to do the manual nooter program and was happy with that and like that I'm familar with it. I just want to run a few apps, etc. I'd love to get a keyboard hooked up with it too, but that's extra. Please give me advice and keep in mind that I'm not tech-y and I don't want to try things that are risky or complicated--prefer the simple and dependable even if it's not the top of the line software. Oh, and I also have the green dot version that had the memory divided.


1) Do I need to revert to a previous Nook Color software version? If so, how?

2) Which Nooter do I use? (Do you have a link?)

3) If you are convinced I should use a different software, why? Is it more difficult? Can I still keep my B&N reader? I like having the basic software still in tack.

4) How do I prevent the autoupdates?

5) What do I need to do to back up things before I start?(I only have one micro sd card and don't really want to buy more) I'm not sure I have much worth backing up....I'll have to look.

6) Any thing else?

Thanks in advance!
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