R Yates

Junior Member
Nov 5, 2014
I found what i thought was the two main companies for Allwinner. Wrote both , Allwinner is a marketing company, Softwinner is a developing company.
Can anyone tell me where to contact the actual maker of this tablet. Need to find out how to install a missing down loader. (deleted it ??)
Thanks,, Roger
Allwinnser is essentially a chip manufacturer. Someone else likely made the tablet. Can you provide more information? What you find in settings - about may help.
Allwinnser is essentially a chip manufacturer. Someone else likely made the tablet. Can you provide more information? What you find in settings - about may help.
Model V11, Quadcore-A33, 4.4.2 kitkat, v2.0 Firmware, Kernel version 3.4.39, Build number astar_y3-eng 4.4.2 KVT49L 20140912 test-keys
Not sure will help.
Just a thought,, After i rooted the Allwinner tablet, then was playing around in files and deleted the downloader manager and download file, (is it possible it could still be there), just not booted into it the right way, maybe?? Any thought....
That's the problem with rooting, (which it sounds like you did), it can get you into a jam. Did you create a recovery? I'm fairly certain it can't be recovered without flashing again. (unless you backed up the system with something like Titanium Backup).
No, at the time i didnt know about all that, I can build a pc, but know nothing about android. Live and learn.
No, at the time i didnt know about all that, I can build a pc, but know nothing about android. Live and learn.
This may be dumb,, I have 2 of the same tablets, Can i use some type of recovery from it for mine,, Hope>>>>