D2Pad from Biglots, How to Backup and Install CW Recovery

Although this looks like a dead thread I figure I'll try my luck. So I've installed everything per the OP instructions and got Vampirefo's CWM Recovery to boot onto the tablet, but I can't get it to boot back into the system now. It just keeps looping back to the recovery. Unfortunately this isn't my tablet and I can't see the serial on the sticker on the back so I'm not even exactly sure which model it is, but any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Can't run LiveSuite or anything. ROM's on the external come back with (Bad) error. USB Storage won't mount, and I can't use ADB either. Am I totally screwed? lol
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Sounds like you installed the recovery on the wrong tablet, Nothing can be done without a working adb and the correct kernel for your tablet. Return the tablet to BigLots.