Dead gTablet power adapter


Apr 21, 2011
I just bought my gTablet a couple weeks ago on during their woot-off and have only had it in my hands for 5 days (long enough to root it with Vegan 5.1 though)... and the power adapter seems to have failed. When it did work, it made a buzzing/hissing sound. Now it's silent.

I'm currently waiting on a response from Viewsonic support on the problem, but I'm curious. This has a 12v 2A adapter. I believe my Asus Netbook has a 12v 3A adapter, but it's not with me at the moment, so I'm not 100% sure of the plug fit.

Has anyone else had issues with the power adapter, and if so, have you found any other adapter to be a good (enough) fit for the gTablet?
Thanks. Yeah, I saw that one. Thought Viewsonic should replace mine since it died so quickly. Just sayin'. It's $23 + shipping (total ~$30?), and I get the exact thing I had before which was defective. Seems a little pricey for what it is.

Viewsonic still has not replied back.

The netbook adapter was just a little too big, but I did find that the adapter for my little digital TV that I bought two Christmases ago, which I rarely use, works perfectly.
I found that Radio Shack sells the plugs that fit:

ust look through your junk box of old power supply adapters, find one that's 12v DC and can put out at least an amp or more. Note: best to find a switching power supply. If it's not, some of the 12v DC wall warts put out anywhere from 12v to about 19v and vary under load. Check with a multimeter if you have one.

I found one at a garage sale for 10 cents that is 12v DC switching supply up to 1.25 amps and it works great. Just cut off the old plug, and solder on the radio shack plug (center positive).
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