device compatibility?


Apr 19, 2011
I've had my gab for a couple months now and generally like it but I was wondering if my ability to get apps involving the camera ( other than the camera app) to work is just bad luck or if others have the same problems? Apps like camscanner and Google goggles and even Skype/Google talk install but do not work. I know that Skype/talk are known problems but a lot of programs that I download from the market or the amazon app store either do not work at all or are a lot more hit and miss ( like plants v zombies that randomly freezes).

As the hardware is common to a lot of tablets, is this a common problem or is it my bad luck ( I'm
running vegan tab gingerbread).

IDK the reasoning but I agree with all the problems. Maybe one of the devs over on XDA would have an answer. Or robeet if he sees this.
I thought of posting to XDA, but to be frank that board is somewhat intimidating with all of the experience there ( I am still pretty green). I also didn't want to post multiple app specific complaints ( i.e camscanner does not work, googles does not work, bar code scanner does not work, etc). I also wasn't sure if it was just me or whether this was a more common experience.

These are minor complaints in the grand scheme of thing, and I think it relates to market fragmentation as I know that many of these programs work on more " phone based" devices like my brother's phone ( I think it is a nexus s) so making apps that work on all hardware platforms seems a daunting task.
The issue more than likely hinges around the way Gingerbread now uses a standard API (apllication program interface) to gain access to front facing cameras on devices,... this tablet has officialy had only Froyo support... there may not be code available for the camera's proper intergration into gingerbread. From my understanding most of the developers are doing some "creative programing" to use the standard Froyo drivers to get the camera to work on Gingerbread. These programs are trying to access the camera via the API...