Google Stops ASUS' Transformer Book Duet TD300


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2012
ASUS halts their dual Android Windows 8 Tablet after pressure from Google. This regards the Transformer Book Duet TD300, due to resistance from Google, according to a Chinese-language Economic. Asustek originally planned to start marketing the TD300 in Asia and Europe in the first quarter of 2014, and in the US in the second quarter, the paper said.The impact on Asustek will be limited since the project has not been implemented, noted the paper. Asustek declined to comment on market reports, the paper added - via DigiTimes.



Wall Street Journal claims that pressure from both Google and Microsoft has caused the project to be "indefinitely delayed."
will also come as a blow to Intel, a partner of ASUS in its Android devices, who perhaps saw devices like the Duet as a way to help boost ailing PC sales.
Microsoft reportedly doesn't want to share device space with Google, and Google could choose not to certify the device because it isn't 'all Android.' It wouldn't be the first hybrid we've seen fade into nothingness, either. Remember Samsung's effort with the Ativ Q announced in London last year?
The Duet was a pretty clever device; a proper quad-mode with both Android and Windows laptops and Android and Windows tablets all in one package.
So, for reasons out of ASUS' control we may never get to see the Duet on store shelves.

Source: Wall Street Journal
