Hisense Sero 7 LT Storage


Dec 12, 2013
Hi everyone. My wife picked up the Hisense Sero 7 LT. I put a 32G card in it. Is there a way to install or move apps to the external card? On my MeMo I found a setting option to either write to the internal or external storage. I can't find anything like that on the Hisense. And after installing the apps she wants, the internal storage is just about full. Thanks for any help you can give me.

Oops, it looks like I posted this in the wrong forum.
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Thank you Traveller. I heard from the manufacturer. The only thing the external chip is good for is storing things such as music and photos. Apps will not write to or work from the external card. After installing a few games, the internal storage is full. My wife agreed to return it for a refund and to let me order another Asus MeMo for her. I love mine.
So there is no way to move apps to SD on the LT thus far? Thanks.

Unfortunately, the manufacturers don't always make it clear in their ads. An external Micro SD Card (MSD) AKA TF Card is, and always was, intended as space to store your media files. Books, pictures, videos, movies, music files etc. are what you should be putting there.