How to Get a Working Google Market


Nov 24, 2010
This method is only for firmware DG2.02 and before. The new DG 2.20 will need a process of its own.


If you brick your tablet i will not be held liable in any way, shape, fashion, or form so proceed at your own risk


Okay so here's the deal i've noticed alot of folks having issues with various parts of the process of getting a working google market.

So i'm going to borrow instructions from various places and put together a piece milled guide of what works for me and has worked multiple times with both firmwares out for the tablet so far.

I will include a sources area at the bottom of the post and link to all original posts where the information is being borrowed from.

All credit for this working market go to the others who came before me and wrote the guides i used.

You need the Android SDK downloaded and installed on your machine if you don't have this please see here

Once you have the SDK installed you can proceed (you need the SDK for a working adb setup and for the emulator for ugly market hack)

Ugly Market Hack
Follow the instructions on this page until the step where it says "Setup an android Emulator"

Now follow the directions here to download a working emulator that already has market installed.

Once you have a working emulator that you can successfully download an app from the market to follow the instructions on this page to get your AndroidID

Once you have your androidID open notepad and copy the output from the
adb shell sqlite3 /data/data/ "select * from meta";
command to notepad. Save this somewhere you won't lose it this is the part that makes this easy to do again and again if you mess up your tablet :)

Once you have your id go ahead and copy the command the following command and paste it into your notepad with your android id in it.

adb shell sqlite3  /data/data/ "update meta  set intvalue='ANDROID_ID_HERE' where name='androidId'";
replace ANDROID_ID_HERE with whatever your real Android ID is

make sure you save the text document again.

Putting the market experience on your tablet

Setting up adbwifi and prepping tablet for market

1st things 1st you are going to need 3 apps to get things rolling on the tablet.

Universal AndRoot
Android System Info (optional but i use it for easy access to my ip among other things it gives me info on)

Download these three and put them on your SD card.

I prefer to do this on a fresh wipe of the tablet so feel free to try it without wiping yours but i've always had issues without wiping.

To reset the tablet back to factory and wipe all your data off do the following.


With the tablet off hold the menu button, press on the screen while holding both of these press the power button. Once you see the screen with white text stating to load recovery image press the appropriate keys release all buttons

then press menu and power at the same time. The tablet will then go through the process of restoring it back to Stock (the last update you installed ie stock 2.02 not 1.01 or 1.02)

***note some folks are getting the message that no recovery image is found at this point. as of right now i'm not aware of a solution to restore the recovery image***

If you are one of the people who don't have a working recovery image I would not suggest that you proceed any further

Once the tablet has completed this process and is fully booted you'll need to calibrate the screen before you can proceed.

Once you're at the home screen go to the My Pad app that comes pre-installed and navigate to your sdcard.

Install all 3 apps you downloaded at the beginning of this guide.

Once you're done installing these apps

Launch Universal AndRoot and make sure the "Superuser for android 2.0 -2.2" option is selected in the drop down and click root.

Once you get the your device was rooted successfully message return to your home screen and then launch gscript from the app drawer

once gscript launches you'll see a blank window press the menu button on the tablet or the soft menu key on the top right of the screen

click Add Script

For name call it what you want i call mine Adbwifi just to make it easy.

Make sure the needs SU box is checked.

then in the bottom text block enter the following

setprop service.adb.tcp.port 1111
stop adbd
start adbd
once you have this in here hit the save button and it will take you back to the gscript home screen and now you will see the script we just created.

If you haven't setup your wifi at this time go ahead and connect to your wifi access point.

Once you're connected to your access point launch Android System Info and on the default tab that opens all the way at the bottom will be your ip address write this down you'll need it on your computer in a minute to connect.

Exit Android system info and relaunch gscript.

Click your adbwifi script

It will propmt you to allow this application SU rights tell it allow. (i always tell it remember so it doesn't pop up everytime i need adb for something.)

Now we're done on the tablet for now.

Putting the google experience on the tablet

Download the Experience from here

extract the experience to your working adb directory should be c:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\

now in open a command prompt window and navigate to your working adb directory should be c:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\

once there type in

adb connect x.x.x.x:1111 (where x.x.x.x is the ip address you wrote down earlier)

now once you are connected to your tablet you will simply run the market.bat file you extracted a few min ago.

type in
market and hit enter

this will push the Gev1 directory to your tablet and then reboot your tablet.

when your tablet reboots you will need to walk through the setup wizard far enough to get to the skip adding an account screen

once you're back to your normal home screen again run gscript from your app drawer again and rerun the adb wifi script.

once you've done this go back to your computer and reconnect to your tablet

adb connect x.x.x.x:1111 (where x.x.x.x is the ip address you wrote down earlier)

once you're connected you need to run the command that we saved into the text file with your android id earlier in the guide

adb shell sqlite3   /data/data/ "update meta   set intvalue='ANDROID_ID_HERE' where name='androidId'";
replace ANDROID_ID_HERE with whatever your real Android ID is
once you've run this command you can run

adb shell sqlite3 /data/data/ "select * from meta";

to verify that you have successfully updated your androidID

once you have your ID updated you need to reboot your tablet before you can use the market

to do this type in on your computer

adb shell reboot

congratulations you should now have a working market.
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Credits go to -

Gottahavit over at SlateDroid for his guide that got me started - for their Emulator Guide and working market in emulator guide -

Clockworx over at SlateDroid for his googleExperience for the PDN that worked beautifully for our tablets. and His guide to the ugly market hack. The link i had appears to be dead if someone finds it let me know and i'll link it.

Sprdtyf350 here at and my self for breaking our tablets enough to need to find the factory wipe key combo. -
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please excuse any and all typos in this guide. I've been working on it off and on at work today for at least 3 hours

If you brick your tablet i will not be held liable in any way shape fashion or form so proceed at your own risk

If something here isn't clear feel free to ask. I'm way to familiar with this process as it seems i've spent more time breaking my tablet than actually using it.

My son broke the digitizer on my tablet so no more touch screen for me. I will do my best to check the forums here and help out all I can but I'm looking into what my next tablet will be.
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Thanks this was a great help!

I would like to say that if you want to remove your phone.apk, bluetooth.apk, and so on. Do so after you do this or you will get stuck at the touch the android to continue screen.
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These direction were terrific. I followed them with the exception that rather then use gscript to set up the adb wireless I used the ADBWireless.apk

Thank you as the Google Experience was the one thing this tablet was missing that I really wanted & needed, especially GMail & Market.
Sadly, after restarting my tablet after getting Market & GMail working Market stopped working. I am getting a message that says "Attention: A server error has occurred. Retry, or cancel and return to the previous screen."

The error does not correct with retries or cancelling and trying again. Rebooting and trying again didn't help either. Fortunately, GMail remains working. Will be trying other Google Apps over time.
Sadly, after restarting my tablet after getting Market & GMail working Market stopped working. I am getting a message that says "Attention: A server error has occurred. Retry, or cancel and return to the previous screen."

The error does not correct with retries or cancelling and trying again. Rebooting and trying again didn't help either. Fortunately, GMail remains working. Will be trying other Google Apps over time.

Update: I reinstalled the market from the GE zip ajd it worked. So, question, is there a way to block the update to the new market?

Sent from my p7901a using Tapatalk
mine is working just fine after the new market pulled down. Mine has done that once or twice when i was wiping/reloading for one reason or another. i usually just wipe and reset it again.

i have the whole process down to about 15 - 20 min and it's all set back up.

I'm still hoping that i can find someone who know a little more about android devices to see if we can get a working recovery of some kind and really start digging into these things, but that's a whole other topic.

Glad you got it working!

Thanks, your guide was the final push to get me in this Android game and rooting my Sylvania. I've been lurking since before Thanksgiving and been thinking through if I wanted to learn another OS as I go back to the days of Assembly. I've been through most of them but put my hacking away after PalmOS. As you've noted there is a ton of useful information for this device but it's spread all over with no one wiki guide to capture it all. I appreciate the effort to compile enough to get a working market.

However, like in your Post #7 in the thread 2972-google-experience, I am also getting the whole screen going green on boot but it goes to normal after hitting the menu key.

Has all of wiping/reloading resolved the issue? I have not had the need yet to do so but will if this is the magic fix.
mine is working just fine after the new market pulled down. Mine has done that once or twice when i was wiping/reloading for one reason or another. i usually just wipe and reset it again.

Yeah, I know when we are tweaking these things we often have to do reloads. I have been doing the same thing with my phone. Just wanted to mention the Market issue, in case others were having the same problem. Mine still keeps hanging there when the Market updates.

On a side note, I had not seen it mentioned in any of the other messages regarding this tablet, but the USB Host on this thing is actually working well. I am able to connect a USB Hub to it and connect a keyboard, mouse, and USB Thumb Drives with no issues. Making this thing perfect to carry when travelling and not needing a full machine. I am going to buy one of those roll up keyboards to carry when travelling and I will be able to to almost everything I need to do on this thing and not have to deal with tapping everything out. NICE!
These instructions worked a treat And would just like to say a BIG thank you :) .
I now have market etc running well on My disgo 6000 (same as the sylvania tablet) ive now got My tablet the way i want it now thx.

Sent from My Disgo 6000 tablet using app

Thanks, your guide was the final push to get me in this Android game and rooting my Sylvania. I've been lurking since before Thanksgiving and been thinking through if I wanted to learn another OS as I go back to the days of Assembly. I've been through most of them but put my hacking away after PalmOS. As you've noted there is a ton of useful information for this device but it's spread all over with no one wiki guide to capture it all. I appreciate the effort to compile enough to get a working market.

However, like in your Post #7 in the thread 2972-google-experience, I am also getting the whole screen going green on boot but it goes to normal after hitting the menu key.

Has all of wiping/reloading resolved the issue? I have not had the need yet to do so but will if this is the magic fix.

I've not gotten this issue resolved yet. well at least not in any fashion that i knew what i was doing. Once before i had to wipe due to my tablet going crazy the green screen thing had stopped. but i have no clue what i did to make it stop and like i said everything else about the tablet was crazy so if i have to hit menu or have a screwy tablet i'll take hitting the menu button any day.

I've also just picked up a Samsung Intercept for a new phone so my time is now spread between the two of these devices.

It's a little sad that not much as far as development, custom roms, themes, etc are going to happen for this device until two things occur.

1) we need a working recovery or some way to back up/flash these if we mess them up (there is a way to get the tablet to go into some kind of bootloader mode but i've been unsuccessful in getting any drivers to load for it. although from what i've read it may be a windows 7 x64 issue. once i'm done with getting my new phone how i want it i'll try to revisit this on my xp or ubuntu drive (1 laptop, 3 drives w/4 os's) and see what happens))

2) digital Gadgets releases the source code for the tablets.

It's good to see that some folks are getting use of this little guide. These things are really awesome once you have market working on them.
Yeah, I know when we are tweaking these things we often have to do reloads. I have been doing the same thing with my phone. Just wanted to mention the Market issue, in case others were having the same problem. Mine still keeps hanging there when the Market updates.

On a side note, I had not seen it mentioned in any of the other messages regarding this tablet, but the USB Host on this thing is actually working well. I am able to connect a USB Hub to it and connect a keyboard, mouse, and USB Thumb Drives with no issues. Making this thing perfect to carry when travelling and not needing a full machine. I am going to buy one of those roll up keyboards to carry when travelling and I will be able to to almost everything I need to do on this thing and not have to deal with tapping everything out. NICE!

it's also worth noting that with the DG 2.02 update the OTG usb works great for dumping data to the SDcard although still no usb debugging but the adb wifi is working just fine for now.
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