HTC Evo View


Jan 11, 2012
After my many searches and trying to decide on an android tablet to get, I have chosen the HTC Evo View :cool: It looks good and the features are nice and I think HTC has a good rep and makes quality electronics. I will have one in my hands this week.. thanks to Ebay! I'm really excited, this is my first tablet. Anyone know any tips or anything cool about it? Is it a good tablet?

I like that it has 32gb and android.. don't really like the fact that it doesn't have a microhd. I have read and done research though that I can buy an MHL adapter.. I hope that I can view more than just my pictures and youtube, I'd like to be able to watch movies online through my hdtv. Has anyone had experience with hooking up to an hdtv?
I am in <3 with my Htc Evo View! Had issues when I upgraded to Honeycomb.. I hated everything that was changed, but it has been reverted back to Gingerbread and I couldn't be happier.