Is Antivirus Necessary on Android Tablets?


Senior Member
May 18, 2019
I have 2 ONN android tablets (one 8" & one 10"), and wondering if antivirus is recommended. I would be especially interested in free antivirus since I'm on a fixed income. Also, is android as prone to attacks as other OS's? Thanks in advance for your guidance..
I personally don't use antivirus on Android, and in recent years have eschewed antivirus - with the exception of Windows Defender - on my PC as well. Not a fan of antivirus software simply because of their tendency to take over the system and work their way in so deeply that only a clean install can get rid of them. That said, there are multiple free antivirus options on Android in the Play Store, with Lookout being one of the best. However, you might do better installing Malwarebytes, because malware from advertisements and rogue apps is a much bigger problem than viruses, and has been for years.

All operating systems have vulnerabilities that bad actors work to exploit. Android is no different: one only need look at the numerous reports of malware found within the Play Store to see that. This is why it pays to be careful.
When I got my first android tablet, I had an antivirus app. Came to realize that it did more harm than good. Since then, I have stopped using any and if there are any pre installed I uninstall them or disable them.
Thanks for your replies. I'm more than likely to just leave Android as is.
Traveller, I also use Windows Defender alone on my PC, just as you do. I've never gotten anything nasty on the PC. :cool: