Many Question Little Answer on Stuck on Green Droid


Jun 29, 2011
i see many people has this issue. stuck with no sign of activities on android logo.
I remember I had honeycomb Uberoid on this thing. I'm trying to bring it back to life after several years.
I downloaded the latest v12 rom and went thru the change.bat and all.
How do i know if this thing even shut off when i held the power button, how do i know if it's just not sleeping. did several reset thru hole.

I noticed the green power led start blinking red, does that mean anything? something working in the back ground?

right now stuck on ker 2.6.32 and build v1.3.0

7" MID, this is all given on box and manual, also lost the manual. bought from

dont know what to do next.leave it and see what happen. will the red led stop blinking after awhile.
On mine the red light means it's charging. Is yours blinking when not plugged in? Maybe try to get the battery drained completely then recharge? I believe some people have had success with that.