my Asus TF101 bought in China can't work with google apps like Play Store, gmail...


Aug 7, 2012
I bought an Asus TF101 in China last month, and that can not work with google apps and some other apps.

The Asus TF101 tablet that I bought in China can not use Google Play Store, Gmail and youtube, even in France. I phoned to both Asus Hotline in China and in France, they both confirmed to me that, Asus Tf101 bought in Chine can not use these above mentioned apps even in France where I am now and that is normal for Asus.

But, for me, this is not normal at all, as we know that youtube may be blocked by chinese censorship in China and we can do nothing about it when we are in China, but I am surprised that even in France, my Asus TF101 bought in China can not go to youtube and some other apps.

I do not want to root my Asus TF101, as they say that if I root it, I will lose the warranty. So what can I do ? Can Asus help to block chinese Asus users to google app where ever they go, even outide of China ? for almost 3 weeks now, I can not open Youtube, google Play Store, Gmail and can not install apps like Viber that may need the same missing system files to work.

Any suggestion please.

Asus hotlines don't want to do anything about it.where can I can help ?

That's strange. Even some Chinese $99 tablets have YouTube, Google, etc.
Wait a minute. My tablet provided the .apk for those apps in a separate directory, but they were not pre-installed, now that I think about it. Is that how the Chinese manufacturers get around some censorship laws there?
By blocking the chinese version of TF101 for google apps, Asus is doing the censorship for chinese goverment not only in China, but also outide of China. Asus seems to be the only brand doing this censorship and much more efficient than chinese government's, for chinese government's censorship is working only inside China. But, Asus's censorship will block you all over the world ! Is it again the free informatin law for country like France ? I just wonder !
Hello, just like you Altest, i recently bought a TF101 in China. I tried to install google play but it didn't work, so i thought that it was because I were in China. I just came back in France, and I am very sad to read your information from ASUS...

I just start to use android, and with your information, now I am wondering... how install apps without google play store ? Is it possible to obtain some apps by another mean ? Because right now, except looking my pictures, I can't do anything with my pad...

Thanks for your replay
By blocking the chinese version of TF101 for google apps, Asus is doing the censorship for chinese goverment not only in China, but also outide of China. Asus seems to be the only brand doing this censorship and much more efficient than chinese government's, for chinese government's censorship is working only inside China. But, Asus's censorship will block you all over the world ! Is it again the free informatin law for country like France ? I just wonder !

There is one glaring error in your comment. It isn't ASUS's decision it's Google's. If you want to blame someone, direct it to the source of the problem. ASUS has no control over it.
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I tried to install google play but it didn't work...

Google Play is typically installed by the Manufacturer, not the end user.
Do American Asus tablets come with Google Play pre-installed? If Yes, get a nandroid backup of an American Asus, and restore it on your tablet. That might make it American, I think...
It isn't ASUS's decision it's Google's.

My generic tablet can run YouTube, etc. So I'd say it is the manufacturer's decision. Asus probably didn't want to run afoul of Chinese laws, unlike many of the smaller Chinese manufacturers.
My generic tablet can run YouTube, etc. So I'd say it is the manufacturer's decision. Asus probably didn't want to run afoul of Chinese laws, unlike many of the smaller Chinese manufacturers.

That is not the case. Vendors and the governments have more to say about what you can install and use than either ASUS or Google. There is also the problem of so many tablets being so different that the software developers typically don't test their apps on all the various brands and so say they aren't compatible.

Google Music (the WEB version) is a good example. AFAIK it is only available iun the US. ASUS has zero control.
Hi everyone!

let me help out by clearing up a few things. The Chinese government has an vendetta against Google as we all know since Google refused to self sensor. The end result has been that whatever android device you buy in China is what I call degooglefied first by law. The open source nature of android makes this very easy to do, so its not just the TF101 that will have no google apps etc it is virutally any android device you buy here. The good news however is that it is reasonably easy to as I call it dechinafy these gadgets. I have lived in Beijing for 3 years and after every purchase of tech I make I spend the next 2 hours dechinafying it before I can start enjoying it. I bought a TF101 myself in july and it is one of the easier devices to dechinafy. You simply need to download the international rom off your choice off the asus website and flash it. If anyone needs help with this let me know. I would be glad to walk you through it. It takes all of 3 minutes and you will have a fully functional TF101 complete with the play store, facebook and whatever else.
The end result has been that whatever android device you buy in China is what I call degooglefied first by law.

Are Chinese tablets sold via mail order exempt from this law? Makes a stronger case to buy locally in the country we are in, rather than to end up with a tablet that has been crippled because of unreasonable regulations elsewhere.
Are Chinese tablets sold via mail order exempt from this law? Makes a stronger case to buy locally in the country we are in, rather than to end up with a tablet that has been crippled because of unreasonable regulations elsewhere.

Some people have found that some Chinese tablets have come with Chinese Android even purchased mail order so yeah it could be a problem.

thanks Beijingbloke for your answer, but I need more explanations, you said:

You simply need to download the international rom off your choice off the asus website and flash it.

I don't know which rom I need to take on the asus website, and how exactly to flash it... Somebody can help me please?

thanks Beijingbloke for your answer, but I need more explanations, you said:

I don't know which rom I need to take on the asus website, and how exactly to flash it... Somebody can help me please?

I'm not positive this will work with the ROM you have but short of rooting and a bunch of other "stuff" it's all I have for you.

Go here and find the WW version with is the International version of the firmware, (this may only work if the version you download is newer than what's on the tablet now). Extract the first ZIP files, and only the first one. Put it on a microSD card formatted FAT32, insert the card and restart your TF.
I tried but nothing happens... I checked my version and unfortunately it's the same than the most recent in the ASUS website. I tried to reset to put the factory defaults, but the last version stay. You have an other idea ?
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Hi there, I am just brand new to android and chinese phones! I received my phone 4 days ago. Google play does not work no matter what you do. Gmail was working, I installed gmail.apk and suddenly it stopped!!!

Now about google play store, do not worry. Open your browser and go to Aptoide. Install it in your device and then you can download everything you want and forget about google play, at least that's what I've done.
I think it might work also for asus or whatever android device you have.
Sorry if this answer has nothing to do with the topic but I think it might help. By the way, I am in Spain. Greetings!