Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 "Infinite Reboot"


Mar 21, 2013
have been trying to fix this tablet for two days now. Okay, lets start from the top,
I received my tablet and I was setting it up when it asked for an update. So I updated it. As soon as it turned back on, it asked for another update. I update it. It's starting up and then the screen goes black. Then it goes back to starting up and then the screen goes black. This goes on and on. Finally I realized something was wrong. I'm googling and then I find out about this infamous infinite reboot. I try all the different button presses. Nothing works. I try downloading all this crap on my computer to fix the problem, still no luck. After 4/5 HOURS of hassling with this thing, I said screw it and went to bed.(I never tried rooting it. Just a Samsung update) The next morning I brave the beast. It's completely dead. I'm thinking this could be good. So I plug it in and instead of the loading ring only in the battery charging bar it has the little warning sign about the battery and after awhile the battery bar starts moving. I'm excited. So here comes the moment of truth, I try to turn it on. Much to my amazement, it turns on and goes to homepage! I'm stoked at this point. It asks for an update and I'm just like no. Not this time. So I leave it on the charger and go to work. I get back home and lookey there. The tablet is stuck in reboot. I assume it tried to do an automatic update. I call customer service. They have me put it in odin mode and say to wait an hour. So an hour and a half goes by and still nothing.
So I try to restart it. Back to infinite boot. So now I'm just trying not to lose it. My question is, once the battery dies and I turn it back on, how do I prevent this from happening again? PLEASE help me.
If you are able to get it working again I would recommend rooting it and then freezing the updater app. This way it should never ask you to update the device and should never automatically update either.