Saving In MicroSD

Hmmmm.... Could this be done and the system partition repartitioned to give it a little bit more space Since the old internal storage is not used? This would be great. Because then id work on porting jb to my 7048....
WARNING: Editing vold.fstab only works on Coby tablets with an Allwinner CPU. Attempting this modification on tablets running a VI Micro or Telechips CPU will brick the tablet!

Make sure you have a nandroid backup stored somewhere before you do this. You have to edit both platform.xml and vold.fstab.

Edit platform.xml and change the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE section so it looks like this. If platform.xml isn't edited you won't be able to write to the MicroSD card using an app. Then edit vold.fstab to change the mount points so that /mnt/extsd refers to the internal memory and /mnt/sdcard refers to the MicroSD card.

Reboot the tablet.

Ref.editing vold.fstab.
I.I am desperately trying to find a way to swap the internal storage memory with the external SD Card on my Android device ( Samsung Galaxy 4 tablet Android v. 4.2.2, rooted.) because my internal memory is full and I want to install a 12 GB sercheable digital library collection, which does not consist of separate e-book, but of an interwoven whole accessible only through its own data system, normally read through the internal memory.

The perfect solution would be to use my 32GB external card as an internal device memory and the " internal memory" s as ad hoc storage for all the rest, like the ext SD card so far. now the

The the idea you mention of editing vold.ftab and the /dev stuff ( in order, I presume, to switch the parameters and trick the tablet to read the Ext SD card as internal memory) could be the right way. I already tried it with a software called "external2internal" discussed in a video, but it is a bit complicated and I am not too sure I did it right, because the swap doesn't seem to have been created.
Can you give me some more hints how to go about it? Any other software that you recommend?
I also see a mention of .xml files in this regard. What are they? In other words, I'd like to have a brief, clear sequence of the steps involved..

2. Supposing I can do this swap and that from now on all the apps are automatically installed on the ExtSd Card, what about all the other apps and data currently int the internal memory. I guess they should be transferred, but how?

Thanks for your help

Ref.editing vold.fstab.
I.I am desperately trying to find a way to swap the internal storage memory with the external SD Card on my Android device...
Don't try changing the mount points. Odds are you'll brick your tablet.