[Tool] New Fmaker


Apr 26, 2013
I am new in this forum and I apologize ahead if this is the wrong section.
Recently I have been bored so I decided to create my own FMAKER.
  • Built in tablet models with a tiny search engine and keyword explanation.
  • Fully translated to english.
  • Is capable to create new fwc files and lets you open or save your own.

I hope you find this tool useful and feel free to report any bugs or if anything is wrong back to me.

Note I take no responsibility for any damage which may be caused to you by trying this tool, you are using it at your own risk. it is still experimental however comparing to the ordinary FWC files it seems pretty much identical, you are the judge.
The tool is available on the link below:

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Basically this tool is able to generate a FWC file which can be used in order to build your own firmware for your chiness android device. there alreay is a fmaker which does the same however it is in chiness and you might find it hard to use so the tool I made does almost the same but is fully in english. You choose features, or a model from the pre-built list and then you edit and download the new FWC off the site, put it inside your fmware and add a + to its name and burn, thats how the normal fmaker works I suppose, and people who did this before should already be aware what the tool does intiutively atleast.
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Your thread was automatically held up because of the website link. We've approved it, but you would be more likely to get people using it if you went into greater detail as to what it does. For example, what is a FWC file and what does this script generator do for the end user?