USB to Serial Device Driver


Aug 24, 2012
Hi All

I have a DOPO brand tablet with ICS. I'm trying to install a driver for a USB-to-Serial device (specifically a Prolific 2023). From what I understand, the ICS operating system kernal supports USB to Serial devices.

I found some Linux drivers that might work. Question is: Do I need to root this thing to install the driver? I need some sort of command line user shell to run the "make" command.
Rooting may not be the answer potentially. Just because There may be ICS code, some Firmware builders will strip said code to be able to add other more common features. You would potentially need root and the associate ICS core code you reference applied to the FW for your device.
If you do not have that functionality when you do a cold boot start up with the USB Serial attached, then it likely means the code is not available.
Sometimes also Serial does not mean Serial. Think SATA in Serial vs USB meaning Serial. That could also be the case.