Am I the most naieve bloke on the planet?


Jun 10, 2012
My daughter bought me my first tablet. A DISGO 8100 R running Android 2.3
I want to watch a video that requires "Flash player" Bearing in mind its a Google Android operating system i just thought I would be able to download something that would allow me to see websites with flash content. However, it turns out that my new toy isn't a supported device on Google Appstore. A real disappointing start to my Android experience. Now I need to find a way of getting flash player or equivalent or i may just chuck it up against the wall and fire up the PC again.:(
Hi John, congratulations on your new Disgo 8100 and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you with us. I'm moving your thread to the Sylvania Tablets section for you, where more people with that tablet are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!
thanks Jv90, I'll give that a try. Will that allow me to view games etc. that use flash or is it just for websites? As you will have guessed, the title Newbie is an advanced form of my competance.
We'll, I haven't tried over games, but it works over Web pages very well; and don't worry about be new on tablets, I was new too when I purchased mine, just try to read all what you can on the forum, it would give a more realistic ideas of what you can achieve with it,



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