Android Tablets See Big Gains - Takes a Bite out of Apple's Marketshare


Editor in Chief
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Jan 5, 2011

Here is some more market research info to 'chew' on from 'Strategy Analytics'. Their newest report indicates that as of the 4th quarter, Android tablets have gained nearly 10x the marketshare they held in the previous quarter, leaping from 2.3 percent to 22 percent. They 'chomped' that marketshare directly from Apple, as the Apple Tablet PC market fell from 95 percent down to 75 percent. Strategy Analytics predicts that Android tablets will further erode Apple’s lead. Neil Mawston, director at Strategy Analytics said, "If you were to ask me in two years time, will Apple have less than 50 percent of the global tablet market, I think that’s a certainty."

How's that for market-hunger? Android is like Pac-Man, and every Apple product in sight is a 'dot' or ghost'.

Source: Phandroid via Bloomberg
Q4 2011 will be the really interesting marketshare analysis. Totally looking forward to that!
Well there were no feasible Android tablets on the market until Q4.

There was the Augen Gentouch78, Eken M001, RK2808APAD vs the iPad :D

And this is what I kept trying to tell Apple fanboys at Engadget last year. And they kept acting like Android tablets werent gonna get better. I said starting with the Archos...."these were the Android tablets we were looking for"..Oh and before someone beats me to it....:

It was only a matter of time.
apple, microsoft and orhers all have the same mindset, give as little as possible for the maximum price. The ipad has limited input a high price and expensive software.
The chinese are just the opposite. I think the ipad is too large and clunky whereas the epad is just about right. particularly the wowpad. which of course is what I've got.:eek: