Apple versus Samsung

May 3, 2012
What's the deal with Apple and Samsung always taking each to court? I'm really unsure abut the "patent" laws and what not. But I mean a Samsung galaxy tab is a Samsung galaxy tab, and an Ipad is an Ipad. What's the deal with those guys?
I might be mistaken but shouldn't this>"Apple and Samsung always taking each to court" be called this>"Apple continually attempting to hamper Samsung's business in courts all over the world" It smells/tastes a bit like sour grapes to me. If one fears competition - Start a lawsuit - that way you can stifle the competition, at least temporarily!
Essentially Apple has a lot of spare cash and they are aggressively defending the position of their products in the market place. It isn't just Apple though. There is currently a runaway culture of litigation in the tech industry over patents, copyrights, design, intellectual property etc. Just look at Google vs. Oracle for example or the lack of cooperation on the new nano-sim standard. There are many other examples but patent portfolios and related litigation is as big of a business as actually making tech and software these days.
Well thanks for the input guys, I wasn't sure what it was all about. I think its silly BC features and perks that cross from one platform to another IMO isn't a bad thing it's evolution. And I can't help but laugh when you say design. Does apple think it invented the rectangle or something?
Well thanks for the input guys, I wasn't sure what it was all about. I think its silly BC features and perks that cross from one platform to another IMO isn't a bad thing it's evolution. And I can't help but laugh when you say design. Does apple think it invented the rectangle or something?

Careful! you might find yourself the subject of Apple's latest suit for daring to imply that they didn't invent the rectangle! lol
But if we are talking about company vs company in court or in terms of money and or some other type of power... yeah Apple kicks Samsungs... and most everyone elses ass.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Sales have been somewhat lackluster for Apple lately. iPads and I phones haven't exactly been flying off the shelves.