Charging indicator?


Apr 30, 2011
Hello! I just ordered the Sammy Gal Tab Pro 10.1 and it should be shipping soon. I already downloaded the owners manual from the Sammy web site, but I have a question. While the tab is charging how do you know that the charging is complete. The manual seems to imply that there will be something on the screen but it does not explicitly say. If there is something on the screen do you need the tab to be on while charging or will the indicator still show even if the tab is off. Thanks!

EDIT: I can answer my own question as I just got it. It seems that while off and charging there is no indicator however if you press the home button a graphic of a battery with a progress indicator shows for a few seconds and then the screen goes dark. So you can check on it every so often to see how its doing. But when I thought it was done it was hard to tell from the graphic but when I turned it on it did say 100%.

EDIT 2: The next time I charged it I let it go a little further and it seems that when its fully charged there IS an indicator. When I hit the home button to bring up the battery progress graphic, it said in large letters: "100%". So then I know it was truly fully charged!!!

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Its the same for most samsung tablets. If your tablet is on you'll see an icon in the status bar, bottom right hand corner, with 100% on it.
Its the same for most samsung tablets. If your tablet is on you'll see an icon in the status bar, bottom right hand corner, with 100% on it.

Hi Douvie,

What are you doing over here in the Sammy Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1 forum? I know you have the Acer A500 as we have traded many post on that tablet in the past. Do you also own the Sammy? How do you like it vs. the A500. Granted the A500 was one of the first tablets to come out and it did serve me quite well. But I do think the more modern Sammy is much thinner, lighter, faster, etc. Also I always thought Acer stopped OS updates too soon and is now frozen and will never be updated again. I think Kit Kat on the Sammy is much smoother than the A500.
