Cracking mine open for mod


Senior Member
May 2, 2011
I am going to crack mine open for a mod.... a freaking standard size (3.5mm) audio jack. I bought an adapter, but I am going to snap that crap off.

I'll post pics as soon as I can find a socket that works.
Eh... not going to be a big deal at all.

PJ 313D audio jack... ebay 20 pcs $7
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I'll post pics as soon as I can find a socket that works.

It will be interesting to see the difference of a production tablet versus the one pictured below in the FCC Filing 'XJN-SYPID7901''XJN-SYPID7901'

I cannot tell you the amount of times I've read other tablet threads and the information I gleaned helped me understand more about tablets or directly helped me with mine. For the amount of trouble people go thorough to post pictures and helpful information I don't understand why no one hits the THANK YOU button. Sorry, It's unbelievably Ignorant and RUDE! Thirty nine people have viewed this thread thus far. This is by far one of the best sites I've found thus far. The other is Xda developers. Sorry for the Rant.
HOLY CRAP.... Them's some big 'ol pictures! I hope you all wanted some detail pics!
I want a red Tablet!!!!!!!!!!! oh if I mod mine it's gonna get a new case.
(FYI my tablet is a SYTABEX7 according to the box or SYNET7LP according to the device, take it how you take it!)

Ok, what I have discovered so far:

No GPS: BUT the terminals are there to solder on in, if you could find the proper unit. This is JUST the physical GPS unit, the firmware would have to be "cooked" with the drivers etc... A possible GPS unit:mtk gps chip ub93 products, buy mtk gps chip ub93 products from
The battery is NOT the same as other (I.E. 10" tablet) tablets. It is a 4v 1400mah. : But there are suppliers that can MAKE a battery up to 10,000mah
No vibrate or pins for it.
Units WITHOUT HDMI can not be retro fitted:
Unless you have a ti-niny soldering gun and better eye/hand coordination than I do!
If your back light goes out, it MIGHT be the crappy soldering at the plug: Check it first! (Red and white wires/plug on the BL Board)

(will be adding more)

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(FYI my tablet is a SYTABEX7 according to the box or SYNET7LP according to the device, take it how you take it!)

Ok, what I have discovered so far:

No GPS: BUT the terminals are there to solder on in, if you could find the proper unit. This is JUST the physical GPS unit, the firmware would have to be "cooked" with the drivers etc... A possible GPS unit:mtk gps chip ub93 products, buy mtk gps chip ub93 products from
The battery is NOT the same as other (I.E. 10" tablet) tablets. It is a 4v 1400mah. : But there are suppliers that can MAKE a battery up to 10,000mah
No vibrate or pins for it.
Units WITHOUT HDMI can not be retro fitted:
Unless you have a ti-niny soldering gun and better eye/hand coordination than I do!
If your back light goes out, it MIGHT be the crappy soldering at the plug: Check it first! (Red and white wires/plug on the BL Board)

(will be adding more)

Actually answered some of the things I've wondered/thought about this tablet. Based on comments here in the forum, I have wondered if this is a classic case of differences being more about what isn't in the case rather than what is. You know, where they use one hardware setup, and just don't add certain components based on which model they're making. I know manufactuers do that cause I worked for one that didn't include certain parts in their US models due to licensing. Other than that, it was the same machine they sold in Europe and Asia.

So the circuit board already has the right spot for a GPS to be added if one can find the right unit as well as cook drivers/firmware for it? Nice.
No spot for a vibration motor? No big deal to me, I hate haptic feedback.
You said that the units without HDMI would require precision for the soldering? So the circuit board has the location it's just a tight fit?
What about the accelerometer/orientation sensor? Did you find one in there? If not, does the circuit board at least have the location for one?
What about bluetooth? Does the circuit board look like it could have one of those added?

Wonder if the touch screen could be switched out for a multi-touch?

Course by the time you buy all the parts for the above mods, you might as well have bought one of the higher end units huh? Still the idea of being able to add a GPS unit is rather tempting... hey CFR, if we were able to add GPS to these units, think that would help with the location awareness and getting AMarket fully functional?

Silicone cover for these units huh? Cool! Spare stylus and a screen protector are nice as well. Ever since someone discovered you shouldn't clean with alcohol, I've been tempted to airbrush mine.
Okay... noticed something interesting about the pics you posted.

Below the InfoTMIC chip, you have a Hynix(?) Chip. Over on tipster's ATZ forums, someone posted pics, and that same location has a Samsung chip instead. Anyone know what that chip is for?

Nevermind... it's the memory.

MLC NAND FLASH This device is the first monolithic (single die) 16Gbit MLC NAND Flash from the manufacture that SI has analyzed to date. The 48nm 16Gbit MLC NAND is 145mm2 wide with four layers of metal interconnects. This latest Hynix device has achieved comparable die efficiency (54%) with a single die16Gbit design. Hynix appears to be the only NAND Flash manufacture without copper interconnect and still uses 4 layers of metals in 40nm process generation.
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now that I know what model audio jack I need, I am going to hit up a local electronics warehouse and see if they have one in stock. I don't need 10000 of them, just 1!!! lol

Not sure about the bluetooth yet. I will have to read up on the schematics and see if it was on the chipset. The GPS is definitely there and connected to the processor via circuit board.
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where did you get the schematics? I'd love to take a look at those. As for the GPS, where on the board is it located? I noticed that right behind the HDMI port's location on the board, there is a small square on the board. Is that where the GPS would go?