eReader Dysfunction...


Dec 21, 2012
I am an avid reader and truly love my Kobo. Thanks to the joys of having a birthday in the same month as xmas (sarcasm)... I got the wonderful birthday/xmas gift of a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, which I asked for so no complaining =D

I essentially was looking for a tablet which I could do all the stuff I wanted to do on it... as well as read. Now that I got the bad boy I can't seem to find a single eReader app that holds a candle to my actual eReader. I have thousands of books. Literally everything, right down to cook books. Because of this and the fact that I read A LOT of series novels, I am looking for a highly customizable eReader app. I have so far downloaded and paid for the premium versions of Moon+, Aldiko and Mantano. I have tried everything else I could possibly find including Kobo and Kindle to no avail of what I am seeking. So I am hoping someone here could help since I am new to needing an eReader app.

First of all I have downloaded ebooks from everywhere. I want to be able to import my books into any eReader app I obtain. I don't want an eReader app in which I HAVE to have downloaded the material from their book store. I downloaded Kobo and for the life of me could not figure out how to import all of my books off my computer. I also want it to be able to read a variety of books. I wasted money on Aldiko seeing as it barely reads any of my books. The majority of my formats are epub, pdf and very few in other formats and every single book I click on in Aldiko it tells me it can't read.

Secondly I am looking for something that has a clean, clear interface. Because of my insane amount of books I want the options to do things like categorize and organize my books into shelves or lists. So I can have every book in a series in one list/grouping/shelf etc etc Or all of my cookbooks in another list so everything is easy to obtain and open. So every time I finish a book I can simply go back to my shelf list and open the next book in the series. I like things organized lol.

My problems with Aldiko aside from that it wont read anything, is that the categorization is entirely manual. I can't simply click a book and add it to a collection/shelf. I have to open up the desired shelf and click add books, which is fine... except there is no search function to search and add the books you want. You have to just scroll through 1000+ books and hope you don't miss every book you are adding to that category. It's brutal. Aside from that Aldiko does have a clean user interface.

My problems with Moon+ are that from what I can tell I can only add books to a "my favorite shelf". I don't see an option to categorize shelves or anything. I think I would love Moon+ if it had the option to add multiple shelves with a name of your choice, such as "Cooking" or "Series A" etc. Adding everything to a favorites shelf only isn't really helping my cause lol. Moon+ has a clean UI and is fairly easy to use, I really really really which or found out a way to add more shelves of my choosing.

Mantano has what I am looking for but in a unappealing UI, it's not the simplest and it is a little overboard for just the every day reader. It seems like something more desired by a professional who needs to take notes constantly and needs 4000000 bells and whistles. In the end if I can't find anything I will have to end up using this but to be honest I would just rather go back to reading on my Kobo... which sucks because reading was a big reason for upgrading to a tablet in the first place!

I don't think there is an ereader app that does what I am looking for and I am not sure why if there really isn't. User customization and organization have always been huge aspects of apps.

I hope someone here knows of an app I have overlooked entirely or may even shed some lite on some tricks or ways to get what I am looking for from some apps I have already tried. I have to admit I was up until the wee hours trying to find something that I very well could have overlooked something in my tired state.

Thanks in advance!
Wow, Sounds problematic. I have found the software with the greatest file compatibility is FB Reader, which amazingly is free. Unfortunately many ebooks have DRM, and unless you strip it, it will likely only run on that Sellers proprietary reader. Stripping DRM maybe a legal breach, but certainly not an ethical one, Many people use Calibre to manage their library on their PC, syncing books they would like to their tablets. Unfortunately it is difficult to tell from your post the specific Issues you are having.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
Basicly Aldiko wont read anything and is saying its the wrong file format or something like that. Either way Aldiko doesn't provide the customization I am looking for. The biggest thing I want in an ereading app is the ability to make collections or shelves of books so I can easily click on that collection/shelf to find a specific set of books. Like putting all of my cooking books in a cooking collection. All my specific series novels in a set collection for those series. I do use Calibre to load all my books on to my Kobo. You can make collections with Aldiko but the way you do it is horrific.
With FB Reader you use a tag system that works very well. Give it a try, like I said it is free and has the widest compatibility I've experienced including the ability to read zipped files.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1