Files Keep Getting Deleting From SD Card


Sep 28, 2011
Hey guys,

Bought a new 16GB card for the tablet, class 6. I was going on a long flight so I loaded up about 6 movies on there. Some were avis and some mp4s. I put the card in the tablet and checked the movies to make sure they worked. All were good to go. So I get on the plane, go to load up a movie and there were NO files on the card with max free space available. I tried to replicate the problem and it seems to happen randomly. I put the card in my pc card reader to confirm they were all gone. Nothing. Weird. Do you think this a tablet problem or did I just get a bad card?? Any advice is appreciated!

Sounds like bad sdcard, you should let the tablet format the sdcard then add a movie and see if it disappears.
Well that's just annoying. Hopefully you had something else to do.

I had a similar issue with my last tablet. It was really picky about what it would play. The files would be there, but very few would play.

As to the Sony I have not had any files disappear, and all of the videos I have put on it have displayed just fine. Before going any further I would plug the card into your computer and see if they are there and the tablet simply did not read them.
The files all played fine on the tablet at first, then when I got on the plane they were gone. I confirmed on the pc that they are indeed deleted. I have another card I'm going to try and replicate the problem with to see if its the device or the card.
So just an update, I bought a NEW sd card and the same problem keeps happening. Files are on there, then next time I start they may be gone. I wonder if one of the video players I use is the culprit?? I can't find a way to format the SD directly from the tablet so I don't know if that will make any difference or not. I can't seem to find anyone else with this issue. Very strange and VERY annoying. I'm putting the videos directly in the root of the SD card, maybe i should try making a folder to hold them in? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I bought a 32-Gig card, and have the same problem. It is VERY frustrating that the brilliant Sony designers decided that your media files must be moved from the SD card to the tablet in order to use them. I was thrilled to think I would have that much storage for my many audio books. But it is useless. Very stupid, in my opinion. Hopefully somebody at Sony will wake up and fix this when the new version of Android comes out this month.
I bought a 32-Gig card, and have the same problem. It is VERY frustrating that the brilliant Sony designers decided that your media files must be moved from the SD card to the tablet in order to use them. I was thrilled to think I would have that much storage for my many audio books. But it is useless. Very stupid, in my opinion. Hopefully somebody at Sony will wake up and fix this when the new version of Android comes out this month.

Well, the tablet will not see the content on the SD card, but you can view all files on the card and open them using a file manager. Try OI File Manager from the market, and you will find all the files under sdcard2. Theoritically, I think with a software hack you can get the tablet to recognize the files on the SD card. I think we should email Sony about that, and may be they can do something about it. There's an android update coming on the way actually. May be the feature will be on it.
As to the files disappearing issue, I also have it, but some mp4 files are not there from the Windows explorer when I connect via USB while on the tablet, they are there.

By the way, about the File Transfer app, there's an option which deletes the files from the card after transfer. Make sure it's turned off if you don't want this to happen.